Blar i SAM - PhD i Sosialt arbeid og sosialpolitikk på tittel
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«JEG SER NOE SOM DU IKKE SER». Hvordan blir brukermedvirkning til som politisk, organisatorisk og sosialfaglig praksis i barnevernets undersøkelser?
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)Avhandlingens tema er brukermedvirkning og hvordan brukermedvirkning blir til som politisk, organisatorisk og sosialfaglig praksis i barnevernets undersøkelser. Ved hjelp av Niklas Luhmanns systemteori og begrep om ... -
Labour market participation of young disabled people in Norway – A study of gendered, structural, and persistent inequality
(OsloMet Avhandling;2023 nr 28, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Disabled people’s labour market participation and disadvantages in the labour market are often associated with either impairment related productivity limitations or employer discrimination. This thesis applies structuration ... -
Mellom mangel og ressurs: Fortellinger om funksjonshemming og arbeidsinkludering fra NAV-ansatte og arbeidsgivere som aktivt ansetter funksjonshemmede
(Oslomet Avhandling;2022 nr 40, Doctoral thesis, 2022)I denne avhandlingen utforskes arbeidsinkludering som en praksis der spenningen mellom funksjonshemming som mangel og som ressurs står sentralt. En mangelforståelse relateres ti velferdsstatens kategoriseringer, som dels ... -
Mental health and quality of life among Norwegian child welfare service workers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Social workers in child welfare services play an important role in preventing crises and identifying the need for and implementing relevant measures among children and families of different ages and circumstances, often ... -
Mental health, quality of life, wellbeing, loneliness and use of social media in a time of social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak. A cross-country comparative study
(Journal of Mental Health;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-09)Background: The COVID-19 outbreak raised questions about how people experience their mental health, quality of life (QoL), wellbeing and loneliness in the context of social distancing, and the use of social media during ... -
«Mer enn bare en jobb». Relasjoner mellom ungdom og ansatte innenfor barneverninstitusjonen som kontekst
(OsloMet Avhandling;2023 nr 20, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Denne avhandlingen er en kvalitativ studie om sosialt arbeid på barneverninstitusjoner, som bygger på tre delstudier, som med hver sin inngang ser på handlingsrommet for å utvikle relasjoner mellom ungdom og ansatte ved ... -
Mestringsfremmende psykososiale faktorer i overgangen fra døgnbehandling for rusavhengighet til hverdagen etterpå
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 44, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)De aller fleste som opplever utfordringer knyttet til bruk av rusmidler, overkommer disse uten hjelp fra det formelle tjenesteapparatet. Personer med rusavhengighet opplever sammensatte og omfattende psykososiale utfordringer ... -
Norwegian social work and child welfare students’ attitudes toward research-supported treatments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Evidence-based practice (EBP) has increasingly become a part of social work education, but there is a lack of knowledge about students’ attitudes towards it. This study evaluated Norwegian social work students’ attitudes ... -
Oppfølging med en familiekoordinator – et bedre alternativ til dagens praksis?
(OsloMet Avhandling;2023 nr 44, Doctoral thesis, 2023)De siste 10–15 årene har andelen lavinntektsfamilier med barn økt i Norge og internasjonalt. Lavinntektsfamilier med barn kan være sårbare på mange måter og har behov for omfattende bistand for å redusere og avhjelpe ... -
Paid and unpaid work in the second half of life
(OsloMet Avhandling;2022 nr 10, Doctoral thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates paid and unpaid work in the second half of life. Unpaid work is regarded as formal volunteering or informal help and caregiving for family and the social network. Participation in paid and unpaid ... -
Participant Engagement in Supported Employment: A Systematic Scoping Review
(Journal of occupational rehabilitation;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-04)Purpose This study aimed to synthesise the available knowledge on how participant engagement in supported employment (SE) interventions is presented, defined, and conceptualised. We also aimed to develop a working definition ... -
Personalisation of Employment Oriented Interventions Targeting Immigrant Jobseekers in NAV
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 nr 21, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The increasing global mobility has made the integration of immigrants into labour markets a key focus in social work research and policy. However, despite Norway's well-established welfare system and employment interventions, ... -
Predictors of satisfaction with digital follow-up in Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration: A sequential mixed-methods study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examines predictors of satisfaction with digital follow-up among young people in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV). A total of 1195 young employment seekers were recruited across Norway. ... -
Psychosocial aspects of adults with Marfan Syndrome. A cross sectional study of challenges related to work, satisfaction with life, chronic pain and fatigue
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: This study is initiated in co-operation with the user-organization and deals with psychosocial issues concerning patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS). MFS is a severe, potentially life-threatening, genetic, ... -
The psychosocial health of Black/African Americans compared with people of other ethnic origins during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study compared the psychosocial health between Black/African Americans and other ethnic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using self-report questionnaires, data were collected at three time points from April 2020 ... -
Retaining Older Workers
(HiOA Avhandling;9. 2016, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)Reducing early retirement and prolonging employees’ working lives are goals that feature on social policy agendas across Europe. Active ageing has become the leading social policy response. Like many European countries, ... -
The Significance of Demographic Variables on Psychosocial Health from the Early Stage and Nine Months after the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak. A Cross-National Study
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;volume 18, issue 8, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-20)This cross-national study explored stability and change in mental health, quality of life, well- being and loneliness during the early stage and nine months after the implementation of COVID-19 pandemic social distancing ... -
Social disadvantages and welfare problems: The role of collective welfare resources
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2017)This thesis investigates the relationship between social disadvantages and welfare problems, and assesses the role of collective welfare provision in alleviating the risk of welfare problems. Welfare is studied as a ... -
Sosial støtte i individualismens tidsalder – ein kvalitativ studie om erfaringar og forhold som fremjar og hemjar sosial støtte i psykisk helsearbeid
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 41, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Bakgrunn: Vi veit at sosial støtte er viktig og avgjerande i liva våre. Spesielt viktig er denne støtta når livet er på sitt mest utfordrande, og når vi erfarer psykiske helsevanskar. Eit mangfald av forsking er tydeleg ... -
Stang ut! Jenters idrettsdeltagelse i tenårene
(OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 19, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)I denne avhandlingen undersøker jeg jenters synkende idrettsdeltagelse utover i tenårene. Utgangspunktet for undersøkelsen er spenningen mellom idrettens rolle i den likestillingsorienterte velferdsstaten på den ene siden ...