• Re-inkludering i arbeid av langtidsledige seniorer med høy kompetanse – erfaringer fra et pilotprosjekt i Bærum kommune 

      Salomon, Robert H.; Wangen, Grete; Frøyland, Kjetil (AFI FoU-resultat;2020:03, Research report, 2020-06)
      For å bistå eldre langtidsledige med høy utdanning og høye kvalifikasjoner inngikk Nav Bærum avtale med Management Consulting-selskapet SEMCO International AS, som driver med bedriftsrådgivning, om å drifte et program for ...
    • Re-thinking Solidarity at the Fringes of Consumer Culture: What Do Outlaw Bikers Have that "Brand Communities" Lack? 

      Kuldova, Tereza (The Journal of Culture;Vol. 8, No 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The article asks a question that may, at first sight, appear rather simple. Namely, what is the nature of solidarity among outlaw motorcycle clubs and how does it differ from so-called ‘brand communities’, a concept popular ...
    • Reembedding Lean: The Japanese Cultural and Religious Context of a World Changing Management Concept 

      Wittrock, Christian (International Journal of Sociology;Volume 45, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      James Womack, Daniel Jones, and Daniel Roos rhetorically positioned the management concept “lean” for the business world in the early 1990s, claiming that lean would change the world for the better. In this article, I ...
    • Regelen som bekrefter unntaket. En analyse av betydningsforhandlinger knyttet til midlertidig og fast arbeid 

      Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Egeland, Cathrine; Hansen, Per Bonde (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 2, nr. 4-2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-11)
      The debate about temporary work in Norway, and the recent changes in the Working Environment Act in 2015, have mainly focused on whether temporary employment represents more insecurity or more flexibility and for whom in ...
    • Regional Development and Climate Change Adaptation: A Study of the Role of Legitimacy 

      Thorstensen, Erik; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Underthun, Anders; Danihelka, Pavel; Řeháček, Jakub (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Journal article, 2016)
      This paper presents results from a study of Czech Local Action Groups (LAGs), focusing on gaining knowledge about their internally perceived legitimacy and their potential role in local ...
    • The relation between social identity and test anxiety in university students 

      Zwettler, Clara; Reiss, Neele; Rohrmann, Sonja; Warnecke, Irene; Luka-Krausgrill, Ursula; Van Dick, Rolf (Health Psychology Open;Volume: 5 issue: 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-05)
      Social identification has been shown to be a protective resource for mental health. In this study, the relationships between social identification and emotional, as well as cognitive symptoms of test anxiety are investigated. ...
    • Remedy through paradox? Constructions of internal legitimacy in a publicly discredited organization 

      Breit, Eric (Management Communication Quarterly;28(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This article examines how members of publicly discredited organizations discursively construct senses of internal legitimacy. Drawing on a case study of the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration—an organization that ...
    • Remembering and reconfiguring industrial heritage: the case of the digester in Moss, Norway 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Landscape Research;Volume 46, 2021 - Issue 3: Special Section: Multidisciplinary Engagements with Port Arthur’s Landscapes of In/justice, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12-28)
      In Moss, Norway, a former cellulose factory is currently being adapted for new uses. The onsite digester, a high-rise steel structure that was used to make cellulose before the factory closed in 2012, is a landmark on the ...
    • A Report from the Field: Doing RRI from Scratch in an Assisted Living Technology Research and Development Project 

      Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Thorstensen, Erik (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The transdisciplinary Assisted Living project conducts research within (ICT), health science, social science and ethics. The overall aim of the project is to advance responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the field ...
    • Reproduction and the welfare state: Notes on Norwegian biopolitics 

      Shammas, Victor Lund; Sandset, Tony Joakim (Nordic Journal of Social Research;Volume 11, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Norway has long been considered to be a bastion of social democracy due to its strong, protective, decommodifying welfare state. However, with the recent rise of neoliberalism and right-wing populist politics across the ...
    • Resident Participation in an Era of Societal Self-Organisation: The Public Administrative Response in Tøyen 

      Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Ophaug, Espen (Scandinavian journal of public administration;Vol 22, No 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Participatory measures are widely acclaimed as a solution enabling public administrations to become more responsive to citizens. Research has nevertheless documented that, despite intentions, residents end up feeling ...
    • Responsibility for Assistive Technologies: Product Assessment Frameworks and Responsible Research and Innovation 

      Thorstensen, Erik (Etikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics;Årgang 13 No 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-10)
      The approach to innovations known as Responsible research and innovation (RRI) aims to move the innovation system towards creating products that strive to realize social values along with economic benefits. This paper ...
    • Responsible Help at Home: Establishing Indicators for a Product Assessment Methodology 

      Thorstensen, Erik (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Responsible research and innovation (RRI) seeks to expand the governance of innovations through including social values and beneficial impacts throughout the innovation process. This chapter ...
    • Responsible innovation in molecular robotics in Japan 

      Yoshizawa, Go; van Est, Rinie; Yoshinaga, Daisuke; Tanaka, Mikihito; Shineha, Ryuma; Konagaya, Akihiko (Chem-Bio Informatics Journal;Volume 18 (2018), Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-01)
      Over the last decade Japanese researchers have taken the lead in the emerging discipline of molecular robotics. This new technology aims to produce artificial molecular systems that can adapt to changes in the environment, ...
    • Rettighetsinformasjon, veiledning og rettshjelp til språklige minoriteter 

      Frøjd, Elise Koppang; Nordberg, Tanja Haraldsdottir (Kritisk juss;Årgang 48, nr. 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      I artikkelen presenteres erfaringer fra prosjektet Tøyen rettshjelp, som i samarbeid med et kommunalt lavterskeltilbud, Link-kontoret, tilbød veiledning, rettighetsinformasjon og rettshjelp overfor språklige minoriteter ...
    • Return of genomic results does not motivate intent to participate in research for all: Perspectives across 22 countries 

      Milne, Richard; Morley, Katherine I.; Almarri, Mohamed A.; Atutornu, Jerome; Baranova, Elena E.; Bevan, Paul; Cerezo, Maria; Cong, Yali; Costa, Alessia; Feijao, Carolina; de Freitas, Cláudia; Fernow, Josepine; Goodhand, Peter; Hasan, Qurratulain; Hibino, Aiko; Houeland, Gry; Howard, Heidi C.; Hussain Sheikh, Zakir; Malmgren, Charlotta Ingvoldstad; Izhevskaya, Vera L.; Jędrzejak, Aleksandra; Jinhong, Cao; Kimura, Megumi; Kleiderman, Erika; Liu, Keying; Mascalzoni, Deborah; Mendes, Álvaro; Minari, Jusaku; Nicol, Dianne; Niemiec, Emilia; Patch, Christine; Prainsack, Barbara; Rivière, Marie; Robarts, Lauren; Roberts, Jonathan; Romano, Virginia; Sheerah, Haytham A.; Smith, James; Soulier, Alexandra; Steed, Claire; Stefànsdóttir, Vigdis; Tandre, Cornelia; Thorogood, Adrian; Voigt, Torsten H.; Wang, Nan; Yoshizawa, Go; Middleton, Anna (Genetics in Medicine;Volume 24, Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-04)
      Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine how attitudes toward the return of genomic research results vary internationally. Methods: We analyzed the “Your DNA, Your Say” online survey of public perspectives on ...
    • Ro og råkjør: innblikk i familiers hverdagsliv under covid-19-nedstengningen 

      Pedersen, Eirin; Egeland, Cathrine (AFI FoU-resultat;2020:05, Research report, 2020)
      I dette notatet gis det en beskrivelse av hverdagslivet i norske barnefamilier under covid-19- nedstengningen av Norge fra mars til juni 2020, da barnehager, skoler og skolefritidsordninger (SFO) var stengt. Analysen er ...
    • RRI and Patenting: a Study of European Patent Governance 

      Groenendijk, Nico; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie (NanoEthics;August 2019, Volume 13, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-22)
      This paper addresses the topic of patenting related to the notion of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Focusing on patents in the field of biotechnology, we assess to what extent current patenting practices of the ...
    • Sais Work Against Corruption In Scandinavian, South-European And African Countries: An Institutional Analysis 

      Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Gonzales-Diaz, Beleb; Enrico, Bracci; Carrington, Thomas; Hathaway, James Carl; Jeppesen, Kim Klarskov; Steccolini, Ileana (British Accounting Review;Volume 51, Issue 5, September 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-11)
      International pressures on Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to fight corruption are increasing. Nevertheless, SAIs lack a clear mandate and may appear ineffective in their anticorruption work. Using an institutional ...
    • Samarbeid, medvirkning og innovasjon – en studie av ytre press og lokal omstilling hos REC ScanWafer Herøya 

      Bygdås, Arne; Eivind, Falkum (Beta: Scandinavian Journal of Business Research;Årgang 33, nr. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      RECs waferfabrikk ble etablert i 2003 i Hydros industripark på Herøya. Industrien i Grenland har lange tradisjoner for samarbeid mellom arbeidsgivere og arbeidstakere på mange nivå. Etter en krevende oppstart gikk REC-fabrikken ...