Now showing items 272-291 of 319

    • Styring, ledelse og tillit. Medbestemmelsesbarometeret 2020 

      Drange, Ida; Falkum, Eivind; Wathne, Christin Thea (AFI- rapport;2020 - 05, Research report, 2020-08)
      I Medbestemmelsesbarometeret 2020 viser vi hvordan tillitsrelasjonene mellom ansatte og ledelse, mellom kollegaer og til fagforeningene er høy i norske virksomheter. Alle formene for tillit har best vilkår der det ...
    • A Suburban Dreamscape Outshining Urbanism: The Case of Housing Advertisements 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Space and Culture;First published online May 21, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Cities and suburbs are often constructed as different socio-spatial entities to afford different ways of life. Although that dichotomy has been challenged, it has maintained its popularity in academic discourse. As with ...
    • Successful scaling of Edible City Solutions to promote food citizenship and sustainability in food system transitions 

      Plassnig, Sara Noémie; Pettit, Marisa; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Säumel, Ina (Frontiers in Sustainable Cities;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Sustainable, productive and biodiversity-friendly urban landscapes are a strategic step in transitioning to future-proof, liveable and healthy cities Edible nature-based solutions, otherwise known as “Edible City Solutions”, ...
    • Supported Employment for innvandrere med sammensatte bistandsbehov. Håndbok i målgruppespesifikke metoder og verktøy 

      Maximova-Mentzoni, Tatiana; Værhaug, Kristin; Stene, Line; Thevik, Camilla (AFI FoU-resultat;2019:08, Research report, 2019-06)
      Denne håndboken er basert på erfaringer fra et treårig forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekt «Supported Employment for innvandrere med sammensatte bistandsbehov». Prosjektet er utført av Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet ved OsloMet ...
    • Supported Employment i kvalifiseringstiltak for innvandrere: To år med metodeutprøving og metodeutvikling i åtte forsøksprosjekter 

      Maximova-Mentzoni, Tatiana; Spjelkavi, Øystein; Frøyland, Kjetil; Schafft, Angelika; Egeland, Cathrine (AFI Rapport;02/2019, Research report, 2019-05)
      Denne rapporten dokumenterer erfaringer fra forskningsprosjektet «Supported Employment for innvandrere med sammensatte bistandsbehov». Prosjektet er utført av Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet ...
    • Surplus populations and the state: A criminological view 

      Shammas, Victor Lund (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy;Vol 8 No 1 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-18)
      Surplus populations are back on the political agenda. With the rise of automation technologies and the advent of the hyperflexible ‘gig economy’, millions of individuals across the post-industrialised world will likely ...
    • Svake høyfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt - en vurdering av helserisiko og forvaltningspraksis 

      Alexander, Jan; Brunborg, Gunnar; Feychting, Maria; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Gismervik, Svein; Haanes, Jan Vilis; Hamnerius, Yngve; Hannevik, Merete; Heimdal, Per Eirik; Hillert, Lena; Klæboe, Lars Hind Bakken; Kristensen, Petter; Moen, Bente Elisabeth; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Tynes, Tore; Langeland, Bjørn Tore (Rapport: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt;2012:3, Research report, 2012)
      Bruk av utstyr som sender ut radiobølger har økt i senere år. Trådløs kommunikasjonsteknologi som mobiltelefoni dominerer. De siste årene har krav om stadig bedre dekning, teknologi i nye generasjoner og utvidede funksjoner ...
    • A systematic literature review of the relationship between work hours and sickness absence 

      Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff; Houkes, Inge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between work hours and sickness absence: is a higher number of work hours associated with better or with adverse health? A systematic literature review was performed ...
    • Technological Care. Health Professionals’ Discourses on Technology in Home-Based Services Seen Through a Capability Approach 

      Thorstensen, Erik; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Karterud, Dag; Lund, Anne (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS);Volume 12208, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-10)
      This article is a contribution to the reflection upon what forms of assistive technologies societies should provide to users of home-based services. The material is collected from five focus group interviews conducted in ...
    • Testing the empirical relevance of the "saving for a rainy day" hypothesis in US metro areas 

      Anundsen, André Kallåk; Nymoen, Ragnar (Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics;Volume 81, Issue 6, December 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The joint implication of the consumption Euler equation and cointegration between income and consumption is that savings predict future income declines, the ‘saving for a rainy day’ hypothesis. The empirical relevance of ...
    • Testing the Obligations of Presence in Academia in the COVID-19 Era 

      Shelley-Egan, Clare (Sustainability;Volume 12, Issue 16, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-07)
      The COVID-19 crisis has given us a new, unprecedented impetus for thinking about the imperative of mobility in research. Travel and co-presence are widely accepted as being essential to career progression and promotion ...
    • The role of ethics in reducing and improving the quality of coercion in mental health care 

      Norvoll, Reidun; Hem, Marit Helene; Pedersen, Reidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Coercion in mental health care gives rise to many ethical challenges. Many countries have recently implemented state policy programs or development projects aiming to reduce coercive practices and improve their quality. ...
    • The strength and vulnerability of school-age children 

      Mamelund, Svenn-Erik; Haneberg, Bjørn; Mjaaland, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      BACKGROUND Children between the ages of 5 and 14 appear to have a lower risk of dying than both younger and older individuals. OBJECTIVE We looked for possible factors influencing the mortality rates ...
    • Thinking the delirious pandemic governance by numbers with Samit Basu’s Chosen Spirits and Prayaag Akbar’s Leila 

      Kuldova, Tereza Østbø (Journal of Postcolonial Writing;Volume 58, 2022 - Issue 2: Special Issue: Fractured Identities, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-01)
      Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technocratic near-real-time data-driven governance, in that new rules, measures, and prohibitions have been introduced and revoked in response to predictive ...
    • Tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i offentlig sektor i Norge: Mye hørt, men lite sett? 

      Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge; Wittrock, Christian (Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Denne artikkelen utforsker utbredelsen av tillitsbasert styring og ledelse (TBSL) og hvordan tillitsbasert styring og ledelse påvirker tillit mellom ledere og ansatte og organisasjoners resultater i offentlig sektor i ...
    • Trangboddhet og barnefamiliers hverdagsliv i koronaens tid 

      Brattbakk, Ingar (Tidsskrift for boligforskning;Årgang 3, nr. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-11)
      Boforhold har betydning for barnefamiliers situasjon og er en viktig faktor i barns oppvekstmiljø. Å bo trangt er en faktor som kan påvirke muligheten for ro og hvile, livsutfoldelse og kan gi familiestress. I Norge vet ...
    • Translating knowing that into knowing how: The case of trust in regional network building 

      Gausdal, Anne Haugen; Hildrum, Jarle Moss; Gustavsen, Bjørn (International Journal of Action Research;10(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      By asking: Can action research help transmit ordinary, conventional, descriptive-analytic knowledge?, we set out to explore the complementarity between the descriptive-analytic "knowing that" and the practical "knowing ...
    • Trivsel og usikkerhet på Tøyen: En studie av foreldrebilder av et løftet byområde 

      Kadasia, Vanessa Nyagoha Idland; Andersen, Bengt; Dalseide, Astri Margareta (Tidsskrift for boligforskning;Årgang 3, nr. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-27)
      Siden 1970-tallet har myndighetene med ujevne mellomrom forsøkt å trekke flere ressurssterke husholdninger til Tøyen, med den hensikt å skape større befolkningsvariasjon og redusere de sosiale forskjellene mellom Oslos ...
    • Tuberculosis as a risk factor for 1918 influenza pandemic outcomes 

      Mamelund, Svenn-Erik; Dimka, Jessica (Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease;2019, 4 (2), 74, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-29)
      Tuberculosis (TB) mortality declined after the 1918 pandemic, suggesting that influenza killed those who would have died from TB. Few studies have analyzed TB as a direct risk factor for 1918 influenza morbidity and mortality ...
    • Unraveling the politics of ‘doing inclusion’ in transdisciplinarity for sustainable transformation 

      Kok, Kristiaan P. W.; Gjefsen, Mads Dahl; Regeer, Barbara J.; Broerse, Jacqueline (Sustainability Science;16 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-13)
      Transdisciplinary research and innovation (R&I) eforts have emerged as a means to address challenges to sustainable transformation. One of the main elements of transdisciplinary eforts is the ‘inclusion’ of diferent ...