• Social Capital and Student Achievement: Exploring the Influence of Social Relationships on School Success in Norway and Romania 

      Huang, Lihong; Dămean, Diana; Cairns, David (Creative Education;6(15), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-04)
      This paper investigates student social relationships in secondary schools and its relationship with student achievement in Norway and Romania. Using data from national youth surveys (“Young in Norway 2010” for Norway and ...
    • Social class differences in youths’ participation in organized sports: What are the mechanisms? 

      Andersen, Patrick Lie; Bakken, Anders (International Review for the Sociology of Sport;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-02)
      Despite several decades of Sport for All policies, social class differences in organized sports participation of youth persist. However, few population-based studies have examined how social class may influence adolescent ...
    • Social class differences in youths’ participation in organized sports: What are the mechanisms? 

      Andersen, Patrick Lie; Bakken, Anders (International Review for the Sociology of Sport;2018(April 2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Despite several decades of Sport for All policies, social class differences in organized sports participation of youth persist. However, few population-based studies have examined how social class may influence adolescent ...
    • Social Variations in Perceived Parenting Styles among Norwegian Adolescents 

      Elstad, Jon Ivar; Stefansen, Kari (Child indicators research;7(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Previous research has documented the associations between parenting and parenting styles and child and adolescent outcomes. Little is known, however, about the social structuring of parenting in contemporary Nordic welfare ...
    • De som er kasta ut av det normale : om selvskading og selvterapi i et emo/alternativt miljø i 'Torsdal', Norge 

      Vestel, Viggo Jan (Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Basert på en serie intervjuer utført i 2010, retter artikkelen søkelyset mot et tidligere lite utforsket transnasjonalt ungdomskulturelt fellesskap som omtales som «emo», og som ofte er assosiert med depressivitet og ulike ...
    • Stedlige perspektiver på skoleliv og yrkesfag 

      Reegård, Kaja; Rogstad, Jon Christian; Hegna, Kristinn (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education; Vol 3 No 3 (2019): Special Issue/temanummer: Stedlige perspektiver på skoleliv og yrkesfag, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Spatial perspectives on school life and vocational education and training The articles featured in this special issue aim to investigate the importance of places and social space for the understanding of young people's ...
    • Tobacco use among Norwegian adolescents: from cigarettes to snus 

      Pedersen, Willy; Soest, Tilmann von (Addiction;109(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-03-16)
      Aims To: (i) investigate the development of smoking and snus use among Norwegian adolescents, and (ii) describe the users in each group. Design Two population-based surveys with identical procedures in 2002 (response ...
    • Understanding the increase in parents’ involvement in organized youth sports 

      Stefansen, Kari; Smette, Ingrid; Strandbu, Åse (Sport, Education and Society;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-02-18)
      As part of an ethnographic study on young people and learning (the knowledge in motion across contexts of learning project, set in Norway), we interviewed a diverse sample of parents of young teenagers, many of whom ...
    • Ungdoms voldsutsatthet og foreldres landbakgrunn 

      Andersen, Patrick Lie; Smette, Ingrid; Bredal, Anja (Vold i nære relasjoner i et mangfoldig Norge;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-10)
      Earlier studies from the Nordic countries have shown that youth from immigrant backgrounds are more likely to be exposed to parental violence compared with non-immigrant youth. However, few studies have investigated ...
    • Young Polish migrants in Norway: Education, work and settlement choice 

      Huang, Lihong; Krzaklewska, Ewa; Pustulka, Paula (Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;16(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)