Sport for Development : Addressing HIV/AIDS in Zambian Underserved Community Schools through Sport and Physical Education Programmes : an analysis of the contextual realities of programme participants
This study addresses the implications of sport for development. It focuses on how sport and
Physical Education (PE) programmes are being used in addressing HIV/AIDS in Zambian
under-served community schools. It, however, takes into consideration, the contextual de
facto of the target groups where these programmes are implemented. The study argues that
local contexts have a direct influence on these programmes. Thus, different stake-holders in
the programmes ought not to overlook this school of thought. Among the contextualised
realities in community schools is that, there are no desirable facilities that may fully support
such programmes. The learning environment is not as conducive as one may expect, and
naturally these schools are somehow neglected by the country’s political powers. The schools
do not have enough qualified teaching staff, a problem, which stake-holders appreciate. On
the other hand, poverty and unemployment levels in the wider communities hosting these
schools highly influence the outcome of the programmes in question.
The study reveals that awareness and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among participants is present.
The use of sport and PE in disseminating HIV/AIDS awareness information is working. But
other factors as indicated above bring to the table, different dynamics that stand as challenges
to a much significant result. The study also revealed that the “Kicking Aids Out” (KAO)
activities, particularly the actual sessions with the target groups are even more effective. They
form a good platform for sustainable behaviour formation and change among participants.
However, leaders of the programmes at all levels must be well informed of both the global
and the contextual HIV/AIDS issues. The desire to claim a bigger share in the implementation
of HIV/AIDS education through sport and PE activities has seen the introduction of many
leaders in advance of capacity to understand fully, their responsibilities.
The study concludes that by seeking economic prowess, under-served communities may result
into well developed community capacity that could cushion local challenges. The study shows
poverty, economic and gender inequality, unemployment and other negative socio-cultural
beliefs to have highly contributed to the spreading of HIV/AIDS. The subsequent pressure to
survive a day seems to have made the HIV/AIDS situation worse. Programmes whose
outcomes do not reflect immediate survival are not taken as serious. As such, more attention
should be given to under-served communities by supporting them with monitory and material
resources, if the high prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS transmission are to be intervened.
Master in International Education and Development (NOMA)