Kartlegging for tidlig læring og utvikling - Dokumentanalyse av Oslostandard for systematisk oppfølging av barns språkutvikling
Mapping for early learning and development – A document analysis of Oslo Standard
for Systematic Following of Children’s Language Development
Research question for this thesis is;
Which view of mapping, learning and development is reflected in Oslo Standard for
Systematic Following of Children’s Language Development?
Oslo Standard for Systematic Following of Children’s Language Development (Oslo
commune, 2013) describes how kindergartens approach the learning and development
of children’s language skills in kindergartens. In this thesis, I have analyzed this
Standard in order to shed light on my research question.
This themes mapping, learning and development are central to this thesis, and it is in
regard to these themes I analyze the Oslo Standard. Theories that support a relational
understanding of learning and development provide the theoretical framework for this
thesis. I have found support for these theories in my analysis and discussion of
findings. Utilizing the method of document analysis, I have used to different analytic strategies:
source critical analysis and content analysis. With these strategies, I was able to
undertake an in-depth analysis of four text segments from the Oslo Standard.
The analyses conducted present findings which shed light on my research question.
Findings reveal that the Oslo Standard expresses a view of learning and development
that opposes newer theories about learning and development. It was also found that the
sources referred to in the Oslo Standard are either presented in a factual weak manner,
or are of little relevance for a standard that is intended to be valid for all county
kindergartens in Oslo. The findings are discussed in relation the subjects of learning
and development in pedagogic practice in kindergartens.
Master i barnehagepedagogikk