• Co-creation in Service Design; a master’s study on how to achieve sustainable services 

      Larson, Helena; Berg, Arild (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      n today’s society, services are growing into complex systems that may not always respond to the needs of the people using them. Therefore, the discipline of service design is now often used as a source to find gaps in ...
    • Handling innovative transformation processes in public environment 

      Gundersen, Gunnar H; Berg, Arild (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)
      Design of environment is one example from which debates can emerge. Such public debates can influence public opinions and subsequently influe nce political debates and bureaucratic processes. ...
    • How Designers Learn 

      Pavel, Nenad (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Designers rely on their skills of problem-reframing and concept exploration to solve complex problems. However, more than before they need to learn rapidly in order to understand the complexity of the problems they work ...
    • Kunstprosjekt under bruene: Elvebredden kunstpark Skedsmo kommune 

      Andersen, Kyrre; Lundberg, Liv Anne (Visual arts, 2010)
      Kunstutvalget for Elvebredden Kunstpark ber om forslag til mulig kunstprosjekt under bruene som krysser Nitelva. Veibru, jernbane- og gangbru krysser elva like ved hverandre. Gamle brukar av hogd stein samt gedigne pilarer ...
    • Leselounge for Akershus Kunstsenter 

      Scott, Elin; Ness, Sarah H.M. (Master thesis, 2009)
      I dagens samfunn finnes det enkelte regler for hvordan man bør oppføre seg på offentlige steder. Særlig på gallerier eksisterer det for mange mennesker en høytidelig stemning, med begrensninger innen muligheten for aktivitet ...
    • Systematic cooperation for improved practice in primary schools’ design education in the Art and crafts subject 

      Irene, Brodshaug; Reitan, Janne Beate (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper focuses on communities of practice and educational development with design education in the subject of Arts and Crafts in primary and lower secondary schools in Norway. In part, this study is based on research ...