• Emancipatory Theatre and Performative Didactics 

      Aure, Venke; Bjerkestrand, Karin Brunvathne; Songe-Møller, Anna (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article is based on several years of empirical observation, gathered from theatre practice, in which Karin B. Bjerkestrand and Anna Songe-Møller developed what is known as “Solidarity Forum Theatre” (SFT), a form of ...
    • Embodied eco-embroidery - creative craftsmanship in sustainable STEAM-education 

      Robberstad, Janne Iren; Kvellestad, Randi Veiteberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) addresses equal access to quality education, focusing on literacy, numeracy and the science-field STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), - seemingly ...
    • Embodied eco-embroidery Creative craftsmanship in sustainable STEAM-education 

      Robberstad, Janne Iren; Kvellestad, Randi Veiteberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) addresses equal access to quality education, focusing on literacy, numeracy and the field of science throughSTEMsubjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) –seemingly ...
    • Emerging Biometric Modalities and their Use: Loopholes in the Terminology of the GDPR and Resulting Privacy Risks 

      Bisztray, Tamas; Gruschka, Nils; Bourlai, Thirimachos; Fritsch, Lothar (Conference object, 2021)
      Technological advancements allow biometric applications to be more omnipresent than in any other time before. This paper argues that in the current EU data protection regulation, classification applications using biometric ...
    • The emerging human-data interaction in ux research field 

      Razmi, Fatemeh (International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education;DS 95: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2019), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. 12th -13th September 2019, Conference object, 2019)
      In this era the extensiveness of data collection methods in user experience design is indeed undeniable due to the swiftly evolving contexts associated with users’ personal data. This creates a new discipline in UX research ...
    • EMG Signals based Human Action Recognition via Deep Belief Networks 

      Zhang, Jianhua; Ling, Chen; Li, Sunan (IFAC-PapersOnLine;Volume 52, Issue 19, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-24)
      Electromyography (EMG) signals can be used for action classification. Nonetheless, due to their nonlinear and time-varying properties, it is difficult to classify the EMG signals and it is critical to use appropriate ...
    • Emotion recognition using multi-modal data and machine learning techniques: A tutorial and review 

      Zhang, Jianhua; Yin, Zhong; Chen, Peng; Nichele, Stefano (Information Fusion;Volume 59, July 2020, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01-31)
      In recent years, the rapid advances in machine learning (ML) and information fusion has made it possible to endow machines/computers with the ability of emotion understanding, recognition, and analysis. Emotion recognition ...
    • Empowering responsible design literacy: Identifying narratives in a new curriculum 

      Lutnæs, Eva (RChD: Creación y Pensamiento;5(8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-12)
      Products of human creativity have altered nature to such an extent that a new geological epoch was proposed, the Anthropocene, wherein we keep failing together. Integrating design in any curriculum fuels change by exploring ...
    • Empowerment of citizens in a multicultural society 

      Songe-Møller, Anna; Bjerkestrand, Karin Brunvathne (Journal of Intercultural Communication;30, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article is based on the project: Empowerment of Citizens in aMulticultural Society. We wanted to explore theatre as intercultural communication related to the challenges faced by our diverse society. Drama students ...
    • Empowerment through Product Design: Digital textile pattern design for grip development in healthcare 

      Lyche, Wenche; Berg, Arild (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In the meeting between textile pattern design and 3D printing techniques, there is a potential for developing inclusive products for healthcare. There is a great need for this from both patients and healthcare providers. ...
    • En a/r/tografisk utforsking av deltagelse på Hvitsten Salong gjennom tre akter. 

      Waagbø, Maria Christine (MEST;2022, Master thesis, 2022)
      Problemstillingen for masteroppgaven er: Hvordan kan seks a/r/tografiske renderinger gi verktøy til å utforske deltagelse på Hvitsten Salong og utvikling i rollene som kunstner, forsker-student og lærer? Den praktisk-estetiske ...
    • En beretning om Funiculì Funiculà – en operafabel 

      Moritsgard, Tor André (Master thesis, 2016)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven har vært å gi et inntrykk av forestillingen Funiculì Funiculà – en operafabel gjennom en observatørs blikk og dermed et blikk inn i feltet. Forestillingen var et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom ...
    • En komparativ studie av miljøpåvirkninger fra ulike materialkombinasjoner i et avløpssystem 

      Stenberg, Jørgen Hybertsen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Mengden klimagasser øker og klimaendringene skjer raskere enn tidligere antatt. For å nå FNs bærekraftsmål er verden nødt til å handle umiddelbart. Globalt står bygg og eiendom for hele 40 % av de totale klimagassutslippene. ...
    • En rask metode for å energisertifisere 

      Iqbal, Faisal (MAEND;2020, Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne masteroppgaven innebærer å teste ut en metode for å energisertifisere et eksisterende bygg på raskest mulig måte. Energisertifisering er en vei videre for akkurat dette med energibesparelse fra bygninger. Det har ...
    • En skapende prosess - refleksjon gjennom prosessdokumentasjon 

      Lyngvær, Linnéa (Master thesis, 2017)
      Masterprosjektets tema er innsikt i skapende prosesser, med hensikt å undersøke hva som kan oppstå i skapende prosesser og betydningen av dokumentasjon i slike forløp. Den todelte problemstillingen er: 1) Hvordan kan ...
    • En undersøkelse av formidlingstilbudene rettet mot ungdom ved Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design - Museet for samtidskunst, Bergen Kunstmuseum og Centre Pompidou 

      Nedrum, Solveig (Master thesis, 2012)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en caseundersøkelse av formidlingsstrategier som brukes i tilbud rettet mot ungdom ved Museet for samtidskunst, Bergen Kunstmuseum og Centre Pompidou. Problemstillingen er: Hvordan kan en case-studie ...
    • En undersøkelse av trivsel. Det åpne kontorlandskap sett i forhold til skillevegger. 

      Gressberg, Sara Straumdal (MAPD;2013, Master thesis, 2013)
      Denne masteroppgaven er utarbeidet som en del av mastergradstudiet ved Høgskolen Oslo Akershus (Hioa), avdeling for produktdesign, våren 2013. Oppgaven er gjennomført i samarbeid med Euklides. Oppgaven undersøker det åpne ...
    • En vurdering for valg av jernbanetrasé basert på et nytt konsept i Norge, med fokus på lønnsomhet og samfunnsnytte 

      Baksaas, Sebastian Horn; Hvassing, Joakim (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Med en forventet befolkningsvekst er det nødvendig å videreutvikle pendlermulighetene, slik at regional utvikling sikres. Dette skal i østlandsregionen, i henhold til Nasjonal transportplan, løses gjennom en jernbaneutbygging ...
    • Enabling Smart Home with 5G Network Slicing 

      Dzogovic, Bruno; Santos, Bernardo; Noll, Josef; Do, Thuan Van; Feng, Boning; Do, van Thanh (Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems - ICCCS 2019;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In addition to mobile phones 5G mobile networks will have to support billion IoT devices and applications. To achieve this objective 5G relies in the network slicing concept which is not yet fully understood. This paper ...
    • Encouraging Pro-environmental Behaviour Through an Educational Mobile Application: Preliminary Insights from Early Adopters 

      Duda, Ewa; Anacka, Helena; Kowal, Jolanta; Nowakowska, Iwona; Obracht-Prondzyńska, Hanna; Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie; Radziszewski, Kacper; Romanowska, Małgorzata; Wyciszkiewicz, Aleksandra; Zawieska, Jakub (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)