Browsing Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning (SVA) by Author "Bakketeig, Elisiv"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Agency and flexible support in transition from care: Learning from the experiences of a Norwegian sample of care leavers doing well
Bakketeig, Elisiv; Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth (Nordic Social Work Research;VOL. 8, NO. S1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-11)The main objective of this paper is to investigate the role that the Norwegian Child Welfare Services (CWS) can play in assisting care leavers with their transition to adulthood. Our point of departure is that timely and ... -
Deconstructing doing well; what can we learn from care experienced young people in England, Denmark and Norway?
Bakketeig, Elisiv (Children and Youth Services Review;Volume 118, November 2020, 105333, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-08)This paper addresses the conceptualization of ‘outcomes’ for care experienced people through an in-depth longitudinal study of 75 young adults in Denmark, England and Norway. ‘Outcome’ studies have played a crucial role ... -
Deliberating the Conditions for Implementing the Barnahus Model: Knowledge Drawn from an Institutional Analysis
Bakketeig, Elisiv; Johansson, Susanna; Kaldal, Anna; Stefansen, Kari (Chapter, 2024)Referring to the PROMISE network’s European Barnahus quality standards, this concluding chapter further explores the institutional tensions identified in the previous chapters. Although these standards are important for ... -
Diffusion and Translation of the Barnahus Model Through the Lens of Institutional Tensions
Johansson, Susanna; Stefansen, Kari; Kaldal, Anna; Bakketeig, Elisiv (Chapter, 2024)Since the Barnahus model was first introduced in Iceland in 1998, it has spread to a number of European countries, both within and beyond the Nordic region. This introductory chapter has two main objectives: The first is ... -
Institutional Barriers to Medical Examinations in Barnahus
Stefansen, Kari; Bakketeig, Elisiv; Johansson, Susanna (Chapter, 2024)Although ensuring that victimised children receive timely medical health assessments is among the key aims of Barnahus, this goal has proven difficult to achieve in Norway, the empirical case examined in this chapter. Few ... -
Navigating precarious times? The experience of young adults who have been in care in Norway, Denmark and England
Boddy, Janet; Bakketeig, Elisiv; Østergaard, Jeanette (Journal of Youth Studies;Published online 27 Mar 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-18)At a time of heightened international debate about youth precarity, how do we understand and support transitions to adulthood for people who have been in care? This paper reports on a qualitative longitudinal study of 75 ... -
Påtalemønstre i familievoldssaker
Bakketeig, Elisiv; Dullum, Jane Vibeke (Tidsskrift for strafferett;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Straffeapparatet er et viktig virkemiddel for å bekjempe vold i nære relasjoner. Istanbulkonvensjonen stiller krav til straffeapparatets effektivitet. Samtidig henlegges de fleste familievoldssaker. Vi vet imidlertid lite ... -
Samarbeid i saker om vold og overgrep: Mot en hybridisering av hjelpetjenestene?
Bakketeig, Elisiv; Dullum, Jane Vibeke; Stefansen, Kari (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning; Årgang 22, nr. 3-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-11)Temaet for artikkelen er tverretatlig samarbeid i «voldsfeltet», blant tjenester med spesifikke oppgaver knyttet til det å bekjempe og håndtere vold i nære relasjoner. I nyere styringsdokumenter fremheves behovet for både ...