Blar i Fakultet for lærerutdanning og internasjonale studier (LUI) på forfatter "Aadland, Eivind"
The association between preschool quality and objectively assessed physical activity among Norwegian preschoolers
Johannessen, Kjersti; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth; Nilsen, Ada Kristine Ofrim; Ylvisåker, Einar; Nornes-Nymark, Merete; Engesæter, Mari; Pedersen, Lillian; Aadland, Eivind (Journal for Reseach in Arts and Sports Education;Vol 4, No 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-28)Various aspects of the preschool environment may either promote or restrict children’s moderate- to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), for example through opportunities for outdoor play. The aim of the present study was ...