Now showing items 2771-2790 of 3264

    • Strategi og struktur i norske kommuner 

      Winther, Eirik (Master thesis, 2017)
      Denne studien har fokus på strategisk planlegging og styring i kommunesektoren og har til hensikt å belyse sammenhengen mellom hvordan kommunene velger å møte sine omgivelser og hvordan de tilpasser sin organsisasjon i ...
    • Strategiarbeid i høyere utdanning – en casestudie av OsloMet 2000-2020 

      Røang, Knut Sverre Bjørndalen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne masteroppgaven studerer strategiarbeid i høyere utdanning med to forskningsspørsmål: - Hvordan har strategiarbeidet i universitets- og høyskolesektoren endret seg i perioden 2000-2020? - Hvordan kan vi forklare ...
    • Strategic essentialism and ethnification : hand in glove? 

      Eide, Elisabeth (Nordicom Review;31 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      The present article sets out to explore certain aspects of how individuals with an ethnic minority background experience the journalistic media. It is derived from a project based on in-depth interviews aimed at mapping ...
    • Strategic Management and Performance Management in Government Agencies 

      Reid, Stephen (Master thesis, 2019)
      This thesis is based on explorative empirical research on the use of strategic management and performance management in central-administrative governmental agencies in Norway. Employing document analysis, the whole population ...
    • Strategic Management in Finnish and Norwegian Government Agencies 

      Johanson, Jan-Erik; Johnsen, Åge; Pekkola, Elias; Reid, Stephen (Administrative Sciences;Volume 9, Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-30)
      The purpose of this article is to analyse the design and implementation of strategic planning and performance management in governmental agencies in two Nordic countries, Finland and Norway. Nordic countries are an interesting ...
    • Strategic management thinking and practice in the public sector: A strategic planning for all seasons? 

      Johnsen, Åge (Financial Accountability and Management;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-08)
      This paper explores how strategic management thinking manifests itself in strategic management practice in the public sector. Mintzberg’s framework of 10 strategic management schools of thought is chosen for mapping strategic ...
    • Strategic planning and management in local government in Norway: Status after three decades 

      Johnsen, Åge (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08-19)
      Strategic planning and management was introduced in the public sector more than three decades ago and has become a core component in many new public management reforms. Although strategy has been widely adopted in the ...
    • Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful? 

      Johnsen, Åge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A common criticism of strategic planning is that it is of little use when the environment is turbulent and the future is unpredictable. The last decade has witnessed great environmental turbulence and uncertainty in many ...
    • Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful? 

      Johnsen, Åge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A common criticism of strategic planning is that it is of little use when the environment is turbulent and the future is unpredictable. The last decade has witnessed great environmental turbulence and uncertainty in many ...
    • Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful? 

      Johnsen, Åge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A common criticism of strategic planning is that it is of little use when the environment is turbulent and the future is unpredictable. The last decade has witnessed great environmental turbulence and uncertainty in many ...
    • Strategier i kommunal helse- og omsorgstjeneste. Statlige styringsinstrumenter og lokale tilpasninger 

      Ingjer, Anette Jørve (Master thesis, 2018-05-04)
      Samhandlingsreformen brakte med seg føringer for statlige og kommunale helsetjenester, for å oppnå bedre koordinering mellom tjenestene. Flere politiske virkemidler ble tatt i bruk for å oppnå ønsket effekt med reformen ...
    • Strategies for promoting affordable housing in Oslo: a case of strong path dependence? 

      Christiansen, Hildegunn Elstad (Master thesis, 2020)
      This paper is an analysis of the new policy paper for the provision of affordable housing in Oslo, ‘Nye veier til egen bolig’ (new paths to a permanent home), launched by the City Government of Oslo in January 2019. The ...
    • Strategisk kompetanseledelse i Utviklings- og kompetanseetaten i Oslo Kommune 

      Lengviniene, Rita (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie, basert på intervjuer med ledere på ulikt nivå med ulike fagbakgrunn og kompetanse, som støttende datamaterialer brukte jeg 10- faktor medarbeiderundersøkelses resultater og ...
    • Strategisk planlegging og forpliktelse i Oslo kommunes bydeler 

      Olsen, Anette Trondal; Sandkroken-Olafsen, Carl-Fredrik (Master thesis, 2018)
      Tema og problemstilling: Tema for vår oppgave er forpliktelse til strategisk planlegging i store organisasjoner. Problemstillingen vi har formulert, er følgende: Hvordan påvirker formell strategisk planlegging, medvirkning ...
    • Strategisk planlegging og forpliktelse i Oslo kommunes bydeler 

      Olsen, Anette Trondal; Sandkroken-Olafsen, Carl Fredrik (Master thesis, 2018-05)
      Tema og problemstilling: Tema for vår oppgave er forpliktelse til strategisk planlegging i store organisasjoner. Problemstillingen vi har formulert, er følgende: Hvordan påvirker formell strategisk planlegging, medvirkning ...
    • Strategisk planlegging og styring i kommunesektoren 

      Hinderaker, Elisabeth; Nikolaisen, Nina (Master thesis, 2012)
      The topic of this study is strategic planning and management in the municipal sector, specifically, the extent to which local government has adopted strategic planning and management, which planning and management elements ...
    • Strategisk planlegging og styring i kommunesektoren: Utgjør det en forskjell på offentlig verdiskaping? 

      Holst, Merethe Dypfest; Nielsen, Kathrine (Master thesis, 2014)
      Temaet i denne oppgaven er strategisk planlegging og styring i kommunesektoren, og i hvilken grad strategisk planlegging og styring har effekt på offentlig verdiskaping. Selv om det er en rådende oppfatning om at strategisk ...
    • Strategiutvikling gjennom strategisk planlegging eller logisk inkrementalisme? En studie av strategiprosesser i norske bedrifter 

      Aleksandersen, Siri Solvang; Fossdal, Maren (Master thesis, 2014)
      Strategiprosessen er en kompleks prosess, og i mange tiår har man forsøkt å skape normative teorier om hvordan strategiprosessen foregår og hvordan den bør foregå. En av de tradisjonelle teoriretningene for strategiprosesser ...
    • Strategy as innovation: Exploring the role of innovation in strategic thinking 

      Skjølsvik, Tale; Breunig, Karl Joachim (Proceedings IFKAD;IFKAD 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose – Whereas innovation and strategy theory traditionally have been treated as two separate fields of expertise and research, this conceptual paper seeks to explore how these two fields have been interlinked in recent ...
    • Streaming across industries: Streaming logics and streaming lore across the music, film, television, and book industries 

      Sundet, Vilde Schanke; Colbjørnsen, Terje (Mediekultur;Vol. 37 No. 70 (2021): Streaming media: production, interfaces, content and users, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-22)
      This article explores streaming across the cultural industries, drawing on 39 interviews with CEO/top-level industry executives working in the Norwegian music, film, television, and book industries. We examine two broad ...