Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Heggebø, Kristian"
Additive or Multiplicative Disadvantage? The Scarring Effects of Unemployment for Ethnic Minorities
Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth; Heggebø, Kristian; Rogstad, Jon (European Sociological Review;Volume 33, Issue 1, February 2017, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-06-25)Previous research has documented that unemployed job applicants have problems re-entering the labor market, commonly referred to as scarring effects of unemployment. Studies have also documented ethnic discrimination ... -
Are immigrants and descendants with ill health more prone to unemployment? Evidence from 18 European countries
Heggebø, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-10-21)Objective: Previous research has established that both ill health and minority status are associated with unemployment. Less is known, however, about the interplay between having ill health and being from minority ... -
COVID-19 and the Nordic Paradox: A call to measure the inequality reducing benefits of welfare systems in the wake of the pandemic
Friedman, Joseph; Calderon-Villarreal, Alhelí; Heggebø, Kristian; Balaj, Mirza; Bambra, Clare; Eikemo, Terje Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Nordic Paradox of inequality describes how the Nordic countries have puzzlingly high levels of relative health inequalities compared to other nations, despite extensive universal welfare systems and progressive tax ... -
Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Online supplementary material
Heggebø, Kristian; Pedersen, Axel West (Others, 2024)The document contains supplementary figures for a book published in 2024 by Edward Elgar Publishing: “Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries". The figures ... -
«Crowded out»? Relative forskjeller og relativt store tolkningsproblemer
Heggebø, Kristian; Bell, Justyna; Tolgensbakk, Ida; Elstad, Jon Ivar (Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning; Årgang 60, nr. 3-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)«Immigration and Social Mobility», publisert som et såkalt Discussion Paper i oktober 2018 av tre forskere ved Frisch-senteret (Hoen, Markussen & Røed, 2018), hevder at innvandringen har ført til større ulikhet blant ... -
‘Crowded out’? Immigration surge and residents’ employment outcomes in Norway
Elstad, Jon Ivar; Heggebø, Kristian (Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-25)This study uses Norwegian public register data in a spatial correlation approach, and analyzes associations between regional variations in immigration and employment outcomes 2004–2015 in a cohort of adult residents (N = ... -
Deltakelse på arbeidsmarkedstiltak – hjelp til selvhjelp? Helserelatert ulikhet i sysselsetting blant langtidsmottakere av økonomisk sosialhjelp
Heggebø, Kristian; Bråthen, Magne; Hermansen, Åsmund (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 37, nr.1-2-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)I denne artikkelen følger vi en kohort langtidsmottakere av økonomisk sosialhjelp fra 2004 til 2013, og studerer hvordan deltakelsen på arbeidsmarkedstiltak og overgangen til arbeid påvirkes av helseproblemer. Ved hjelp ... -
Det første forgreiningspunktet: Vidaregåande utdanningsval i ein norsk bygdekontekst
Heggebø, Kristian (Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Vidaregåande utdanningsval er det første forgreiningspunktet for norske elevar, og valet får ofte varige konsekvensar for deira framtidige utdannings- og yrkestileigning. Utdanningsvalprosessen er fortsatt ganske dårleg ... -
Disentangling the dynamics of social assistance: A linked survey—Register data cohort study of long-term social assistance recipients in Norway
Heggebø, Kristian; Dahl, Espen; van der Wel, Kjetil A. (PLoS ONE;15 (3): e0230891, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-27)Social assistance is a means-tested benefit that is supposed to be a short-term, temporary economic support. Understanding why some individuals are in repeated or continuous need of social assistance is thus of obvious ... -
Does social capital matter more when health status is poor? Labour market attachment among long-term recipients of social assistance in Norway
Heggebø, Kristian; van der Wel, Kjetil A.; Dahl, Espen (European Journal of Social Work;Published online 19 Nov 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Long-term social assistance recipients are a disadvantaged group with loose labour market attachment, and they are therefore in dire need of an ‘alternative route’ into employment. Differing types of social capital (bonding, ... -
Er økonomisk krise ensbetydende med helsekrise - hva forteller forskningen?
Dahl, Espen; Tøge, Anne Grete; Heggebø, Kristian; Elstad, Jon Ivar; Berg, John Erik; Halvorsen, Knut (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;18(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Et voksende prekariat? Langvarige tilknytninger til arbeidslivet blant kjernegruppene i arbeidsmarkedet
Elstad, Jon Ivar; Heggebø, Kristian (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 36, nr. 3-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-30)Artikkelen bruker registerdata for å analysere fordelingen av fem typer langvarige arbeidstilknytninger blant voksne alder ca. 30–55 år. Andelen som kontinuerlig hadde mer enn 3,5G i årlig arbeidsinntekt, økte fra 51 ... -
Gendered health consequences of unemployment in Norway 2000–2017: a register‑based study of hospital admissions, health‑related benefit utilisation, and mortality
Heggebø, Kristian (BMC Public Health;22, Article number: 2447 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-12-28)Background: The existing literature indicates that unemployment leads to deteriorated mental and somatic health, poorer self-assessed health, and higher mortality. However, it is not clear whether and to what extent the ... -
Health Effects of Unemployment in Denmark, Norway and Sweden 2007 2010: Differing Economic Conditions, Differing Results?
Heggebø, Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-11)This article investigates short-term health effects of unemployment for individuals in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden during an economic downturn (2007–2010) that hit the Scandinavian countries with diverging strength. The ... -
Health Inequalities in Temporary Employment. A Cross-National Comparative Study of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
Danquah, Abraham (Master thesis, 2018)BACKGROUND: Health inequalities in temporary employment are of much concern recently due to the adverse effects it could have on an individual’s already ill health and the effects on entire society in the form of reduced ... -
Hiring, Firing, and Health – A Cross-National Comparative Perspective
Heggebø, Kristian (Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2016)To enjoy good health is a fundamental part of human life, as evident by the large number of people who state “my health” when asked what is most important for them. In a similar vein, to take active part in the labor ... -
Is it Easier to Be Unemployed When the Experience Is More Widely Shared? Effects of Unemployment on Self-rated Health in 25 European Countries with Diverging Macroeconomic Conditions
Heggebø, Kristian; Elstad, Jon Ivar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The economic crisis in Europe since 2008 has led to high unemployment levels in several countries. Previous research suggests that becoming unemployed is a health risk, but is job loss and unemployment easier to cope with ... -
Is There Less Labor Market Exclusion of People With Ill Health in “Flexicurity” Countries? Comparative Evidence From Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Belgium
Heggebø, Kristian; Buffel, Veerle (International Journal of Health Services;Volume: 49, issue: 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-10)Higher employment rates among vulnerable groups is an important policy goal, and it is therefore vital to examine which (mix of) social policies that are best able to incorporate vulnerable groups – such as people with ill ... -
Konsekvenser av sykepleiermangel i kommunene fra et pasient- og pårørendeperspektiv
Ugreninov, Elisabeth; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad; Heggebø, Kristian; Gjevjon, Edith Roth (NOVA Rapport 7/17, Report, 2017)Rapporten presenterer ny kunnskap om betydningen av sykepleiermangel og faglig oppfølging for hvordan pasienter og pårørende opplever kvalitet i tjenestene, pasientsikkerhet og livskvalitet. Studien belyser disse forholdene ... -
Konsekvenser av sykepleiermangel i kommunene fra et pasient- og pårørendeperspektiv
Ugreninov, Elisabeth; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad; Heggebø, Kristian; Gjevjon, Edith Roth (NOVA Rapport 7/17, Report, 2017)Rapporten presenterer ny kunnskap om betydningen av sykepleiermangel og faglig oppfølging for hvordan pasienter og pårørende opplever kvalitet i tjenestene, pasientsikkerhet og livskvalitet. Studien belyser disse forholdene ...