Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa"
Attitudes towards and experiences with sourdough and baker’s yeast bread amongst participants in a randomised controlled trial: A qualitative study
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Hallquist, Marit; Nakken Watters, Solveig Ivara; Gjøvik, Mia; Pihl Fredriksen, Marius; Jonassen, Stephanie; Ravnanger, Ina; Henriksen, Christine; Myhrstad, Mari; Telle-Hansen, Vibeke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Cultural Sensitivity in Interventions Aiming to Reduce or Prevent Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review
Henriksen, Lena; Kisa, Sezer; Lukasse, Mirjam; Flaathen, Eva Marie; Mortensen, Berit; Karlsen, Elisabeth; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa (Trauma, Violence, & Abuse;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-10)Intimate partner violence (IPV) around the time of pregnancy is a recognized global health problem. Ethnic minorities and immigrant pregnant women experiencing IPV require culturally responsive health services. The aim of ... -
Designing and developing a mobile smartphone application for women with gestational diabetes mellitus followed-up at diabetes outpatient clinics in Norway
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Borgen, Iren; Garitano, Iñaki; Noll, Josef; Lukasse, Mirjam (Healthcare;3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is increasing worldwide. Controlling blood sugar levels is fundamental to the management of GDM. Current practice in Norway includes patients registering blood sugar ... -
Effect of the pregnant+ smartphone app on the dietary behavior of women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Henriksen, Lena; Torheim, Liv Elin; Lukasse, Mirjam (JMIR mhealth and uhealth;Vol 8, No 11 (2020): November, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-04)Objective: We analyzed secondary data from a two-arm, multicentered, nonblinded randomized controlled trial to determine if a smartphone app with targeted dietary information and blood glucose monitoring had an effect on ... -
Erfaringer med kosthold blant kvinner med migrene- En kvalitativ studie
Bryn, Ida Olaussen (Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Migrene er en utbredt nevrologisk lidelse som berører veldig mange mennesker i hele verden. Den påvirker spesielt kvinner i arbeidsfør alder. Behandlingstiltakene er mange men uten tilfredsstillende resultat. ... -
Erfaringer med mattilbudet på idrettsarenaen blant idrettsaktive ungdommer : en kvalitativ studie
Wattenberg, Pauline Alise Leganger (Master thesis, 2023)SAMMENDRAG Bakgrunn Mattilbudet på idrettsarenaen kan ha stor betydning for kostholdet til idrettsaktive barn og ungdommer, da mange tilbringer mye tid her. Noen studier tyder på at det selges usunn mat på idrettsarenaen ... -
Erfaringer med og muligheter for et sunt mattilbud på idrettsarenaen: En kvalitativ studie
Haugland, Hilde Sørfonn; Joa, Ingrid (MAEH;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn Etablering av sunne matvaner i barne- og ungdomsårene er viktig for fremtidig helse. I denne sammenheng er det ønskelig å styre matvareutvalget på idrettsarenaen i en sunnere retning. Det finnes lite kunnskap ... -
Experiences of dietary guidance among patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A qualitative study
Siiri, Annabelle (MAEH;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Background: The prevalence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) increases rapidly worldwide. Dietary guidance is an important pillar in the follow-up of patients with IBD. To provide patients with efficient dietary guidance, ... -
Experiences of follow-up and dietary guidance among young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as children: a qualitative study
Fredriksen, Petra Elizabeth Chapman; Aas, Anne-Marie; Bjerkan, Kirsti; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that can affect people at any age, but usually develops in children or young adults. T1D involves a life-long treatment with insulin therapy and self-monitoring ... -
Experiences of living with binge eating disorder and facilitators of recovery processes: a qualitative study
Fjerdingren, Marit; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Nesse, Linda; Molin, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Binge eating disorder (BED) is the most prevalent eating disorder worldwide. BED is often associated with low quality of life and mental health problems. Given the complexity of the disorder, recovery may be ... -
Experiences of managing a gluten-free diet on multiple levels of society: a qualitative study
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Sende, Karla; Hellmann, Monica; Henriksen, Christine; Lundin, Knut Erik Aslaksen; Myhrstad, Mari; Telle-Hansen, Vibeke (BMC Nutrition;6, Article number: 65 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-23)Background: Coeliac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy against dietary gluten. The treatment for CD is a strict life-long gluten-free (GF) diet, which has a profound effect on a person’s life. In recent years, ... -
Experiences of social support by participants with morbid obesity who participate in conservative rehabilitation program for lifestyle change: a qualitative study
Vefring, Linn Tennefoss; Jøranli, Karoline Thomlevold (Master thesis, 2023)Background: Obesity is a global public health concern with significant implications for physical health and overall well-being. Lifestyle change programs are crucial in addressing obesity and its associated health risks. ... -
Facilitators and barriers to healthy food selection at children’s sports arenas in Norway: a qualitative study among club managers and parents
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Haugland, Hilde Sørfonn; Joa, Ingrid; Telle-Hansen, Vibeke; Gjevestad, Gyrd Omholt; Myhrstad, Mari (Public Health Nutrition;Volume 24, Issue 6, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10-12)Objective: To investigate club managers’ and parents’ experiences with food selec- tion at handball halls in order to identify facilitators and barriers to the availability of healthy food. Design: Individual interviews ... -
Facilitators of and barriers to collaboration between universities and the food industry in nutrition research: a qualitative study
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Skoglund Lieberg, Helle; Irgens-Jensen, Harald; Telle-Hansen, Vibeke (Food & Nutrition Research;Vol 65 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-27)Background: Unhealthy food is one of the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases. Improved knowledge about healthy and sustainable food products requires nutrition research in collaboration between universities and ... -
Factors associated with the level of physical activity in a multi‑ethnic pregnant population – a cross‑sectional study at the time of diagnosis with gestational diabetes
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Henriksen, Lena; Bjerkan, Kirsti; Lium, June Siren; Lukasse, Mirjam (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth;22, Article number: 1 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-03)Background: Regular physical activity during pregnancy can prevent several adverse health outcomes during this period of a woman’s life. Previous studies have shown that many women do not meet national recommendations for ... -
Faktorer som påvirker egenbehandling ved diabetes type 2- En narrativ litteraturstudie
Skaslien, Malin (Master thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn: Egenbehandling er en avgjørende del av behandlingen av type 2 diabetes. Det er også stadfestet at ved tilstrekkelig egenbehandling kan man oppnå bedring av type 2 diabetes. Ifølge nasjonale, amerikanske og ... -
Health care professionals' attitudes toward, and experiences of using, a culture-sensitive smartphone app for women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Qualitative study
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Andersen, Therese; Sando, Mari Wastvedt; Noll, Josef; Lukasse, Mirjam (Journal of Medical Internet Research;Vol 6, No 5 (2018): May, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-14)Background: The increasing prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) among women of different ethnic backgrounds provides new challenges for health care professionals, who often find it difficult to provide information ... -
Holdninger og erfaringer til forskningssamarbeid mellom forskere og matvareindustri: En kvalitativ studie
Lieberg, Helle Skoglund (MAEH;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Kosthold har stor betydning for å opprettholde god helse, utviklingen av ikke-smittsomme sykdommer som hjerte-og karsykdommer, type 2 diabetes og kreft påvirkes i stor grad av livsstil og kosthold. Disse ... -
Holdninger til og erfaringer med gjær- og surdeigsbrød blant deltagere i en kostintervensjonsstudie: En kvalitativ studie
Hallquist, Marit (MAEH;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn Utviklingen av ikke smittsomme sykdommer er økende på verdensbasis. Kostholdet har stor betydning for utvikling av blant annet hjerte- og karsykdommer og type 2 diabetes. Norske helsemyndigheter har ansvar for å ... -
Implementing a nutrition education intervention in Eastern Norwegian Kindergartens: barriers and facilitators
Løvik Brandvik, Caroline; Meshkovska, Biljana; Granli Schultz, Gry Irene; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Implementations to improve healthy eating in kindergartens may play a pivotal role in shaping children’s dietary behaviors. There is limited research on the implementation and key implementation determinants ...