Critical physiotherapy: a ten-year retrospective
Nicholls, D.A.; Ahlsen, Birgitte; Bjorbækmo, Wenche; Dahl-Michelsen, Tone; Hoppner, Heidi; Rajala, Anna Ilona; Richter, Robert; Hansen, Louise Søgaard; Sudmann, Tobba Therkildsen; Sviland, Randi; Maric, Filip
Original version
Critical physiotherapy has been a rapidly expanding field over the last decade and could now
justifiably be called a professional sub-discipline. In this paper we define three different but
somewhat interconnected critical positions that have emerged over the last decade that share
a critique of physiotherapy’s historical approach to health and illness, while also diverging in the
possibilities for new forms of practice and thinking. These three positions broadly align with three
distinctive philosophies: approaches that emphasize lived experience, social theory, and a range of
philosophies increasingly referred to as the “posts”. In this paper we discuss the origins of these
approaches, exploring the ways they critique contemporary physiotherapy thinking and practice.
We offer an overview of the key principles of each approach and, for each in turn, suggest readings
from key authors. We conclude each section by discussing the limits of these various approaches,
but also indicate ways in which they might inform future thinking and practice. We end the paper
by arguing that the various approaches that now fall under the rubric of critical physiotherapy
represent some of the most exciting and opportune ways we might (re)think the future for the
physiotherapy profession and the physical therapies more generally.