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dc.contributor.advisorBerg, Arild
dc.contributor.authorKongsli Gjerde, Henrik
dc.description.abstractThis master thesis is about how consumers perception of graphic design and visual cues affect the ability to recycle and determine material components in packaging. As well how these cues are utilized by companies in either beneficial or deceptive ways towards the consumer. Utilizing research techniques such as qualitative semi-structured interviews, additive quantitative surveys, work from previous research, scheduled meetings, and additional desktop research and peer-reviewed articles. The research in question was limited to the Norwegian market only, as to keep the scope for this master relatively concise and feasible. Building upon previously done research for an article written for the E&PDE2022 conference, this master uses previous research and feedback in constructing its mock-ups and methodologies. It is highly recommended to read the previous article, “How graphic design can influence the perception of sustainable food packaging” (Gjerde, 2022). Additionally, the aforementioned article published for EPDE2022 builds upon another article written by PhD. Candidate Nigel D. Steenis. The goal for both the previous article and the research presented in this article is to obtain a better understanding of consumer perception of the cues present in everyday food packaging. In addition the goal for this master thesis is to acquire a deeper understanding of how these cues in return affects consumers’ buying decisions and trust of packaging companies and brands in general.en_US
dc.publisherOslomet - storbyuniversiteteten_US
dc.titleHow graphic design can benefit and harm consumers in the perception of sustainable food packagingen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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