Abaqus FEA with Concrete Damaged Plasticity and its feasibility in recreating laboratory experiments: A numerical analysis and sensitivity study
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of concrete is a subject that is constantly worked on. Due to the complex nature of concrete, both in pure states and when reinforced, there are many different models and approaches when it comes to representing the material digitally. A range of systems exist with an even greater range of different theoretical models implemented in an attempt to replicate, predict, and analyse the behaviour of concrete structures.
One such piece of software is Abaqus FEA, which has the concrete model Concrete Damaged Plasticity as part of its base package. This plasticity model is widely used in order to model concrete, and like other material models it requires a range of different material input parameters to be defined correctly – otherwise accurate results cannot be expected to be achieved.
This thesis aims to investigate the material parameter inputs required by Concrete Damaged Plasticity in Abaqus FEA, utilising material data taken from a previously completed experiment which presents its findings in a doctorate, performed and written by Professor Gro Markeset.
By extracting data from Markeset’s research, adjusting it according to Concrete Damaged Plasticity theory, and carefully investigating the impact of changing each base parameter, the authors have made an attempt at identifying the parameter values that allows for recreation of the laboratory experiment in the Finite Element Software.
Following this, the thesis looks at the feasibility of extracting the identified parameters and combining them with uniaxial stress-strain data in order to mimic an experimental 4-point bending test of reinforced concrete beams. The research performed by the authors of this thesis covers a wide field of necessary considerations related to this type of work. Lastly, suggestions on how to further this work and increase both accuracy and potential are presented.