Accessibility of self-service technology
With the technology evolving at today’s fast pace, and the world becoming more digital, services are becoming more digital as well. With digitalization of services, more services become self-service, but is the self-service technology accessible? Most people want to be independent, and don’t like asking for help, however that will not be possible for many if the services they are trying to access are not universally designed. This becomes a bigger issue as the population ages, the life expectancy rises and as we get older, our abilities deteriorate.
These are the questions and issues that will be explored in this thesis, with focus on self-service technology. This is accomplished through a literature study, where other papers related to the subject matter are explored. Followed by qualitative interviews, interviewing people with disabilities about their experiences with self-service technology, and finally performing heuristic testing. The findings from this research revealed widespread issues when it comes to guidelines, standards, and regulations, but also major accessibility barriers in most self-service technology. This subject matter needs more research in the future, as it is a very broad topic, and it is a big part of today’s technology.