BIM implementation and adoption in the architecture, engineering and construction industry
BIM is emerging as the industry standard approach to the modelling and management of building lifecycles from design phase until maintenance and demolishing (Lam et al., 2017). Despite the fact that BIM aims to work as an integrator, it is creating a “digital divide” between the large firms and the small firms, even when they both belong to the same industry. The large firms are considered as “BIM compliant” while the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are perceived to be “BIM complaint”(Dainty et al., 2017).
It has been of great interest to look closer into BIM adoption and implementation in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. To address this topic a mixed methodology were approached. The mixed methodology consists of interviews, digital survey and a literature review.
The results revealed that almost all organizations in Norway used some form of BIM in their projects. However, the results showed large variations in levels of use and actual use of BIM, where 3D modelling in the design phase was the dominating feature. When assessing the barriers and driving forces related to BIM adoption and implementation, a large number of various factors were revealed. The results showed that the prevailing culture in the industry had large effects on the BIM adoption and implementation. Finally, it was revealed that although not all SMEs are laggards, all laggards are SMEs based on time of adoption