AFI Notat
Recent Submissions
Jobb og omsorg for gamle foreldre. Hvordan legge til rette for å få til begge deler?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Med en aldrende befolkning vil det bli et økende press på de eldste arbeidstakerne om å yte omsorg til foreldre og samtidig jobbe mer. Ved hjelp av kvalitative intervjuer, spørreskjemadata og registerdata belyser vi denne ... -
Arbeidsinkludering fra et arbeidsgiverperspektiv – en kvalitativ studie av samarbeidsrelasjoner mellom støtteapparat og arbeidsgivere
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen undersøker vi arbeidsgiveres opplevelse av samarbeid med arbeids- og velferdstjenestene når de ansetter personer med nedsatt arbeidsevne. Studien er basert på kvalitative intervjuer i 21 virksomheter som ... -
The significance of culture for social sustainability – a discussion of cultural security and insecurity in neighbourhoods
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Creating a socially sustainable city will often encompass strategies to ensure that the different communities are “cohesive” and that the many neighbourhoods are diverse to prevent residential segregation. However, the ... -
Street-level bureaucrats’ attitudes towards clients in discretionary decision-making: Evidence from the Norwegian labour and welfare administration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)It is commonly assumed that the attitudes of street level bureaucrats (SLBs) towards bene t recipients in uence the discretionary decisions they make. Although discretion in the policy process has been a contentious issue, ... -
Turnusordninger i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester – kraftig vekst i omfang av langvakter, årsturnus og fleksibel turnus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Et økende antall eldre med behov for tjenester vil sette et stadig større press på effektiv utnyttelse av ressurser i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Nye måter å organisere turnus på har blitt løftet frem som et tiltak som kan ... -
Fra lov til praksis: Erfaringsnotat om ungdomsmedvirkning
(AFI-notat;2024:01, Report, 2024-10-08)Notatet oppsummerer funn og erfaringer fra Arbeidsforskningsinstituttets (AFI) tidligere forsknings- og innovasjonsprosjekter innen ungdomsmedvirkning. Notatet tar for seg noen av de teoretiske utviklingene innen ... -
Boundary-crossing ICT use – A scoping review of the current literature and a road map for future research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research on the use of digital devices to conduct tasks across work and non-work domains (i.e., boundary-crossing ICT use) grows rapidly. To gain an overview of this expanding field, we conducted a systematic search in 14 ... -
Implementing the Place-Train Approach in Train-Place Services: Organizational Culture and Supported Employment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Supported employment (SE) is increasingly implemented in employment services worldwide. The disruptive character of SE, involving a shift from ‘train-place’ to ‘place-train’ models of vocational rehabilitation, has led to ... -
Reducing sickness absence: a work environment intervention in Norwegian hospitals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background High rates of sickness absence is a challenge within the healthcare sector, highlighting the need for effective interventions. Despite this, limited research has been conducted on the impact of such interventions ... -
Work inclusion of marginalised groups in a troubled city district – How can active labour market policies improve?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Active labour market policies (ALMP) have faced challenges in integrating marginalised groups into the workforce. This study explores perceptions among managers and frontline workers on enhancing work inclusion for ... -
Changing Intention to Participate in Adult Education and Training in Norway: Compositional and Motivational Factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Western governments propose adult education and training (AET) as a prerequisite for all employees to solve current challenges related to globalization, climate change, automation and the ageing workforce. This study ... -
Women's health at work: a qualitative study on women's health issues in relation to work participation. Experiences and perspectives from female teachers and managers in Norwegian high schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Public health and working life are closely related. Even though Norway is one of the world’s most equality-oriented countries, working life is still divided by gender. Women have a lower rate of participation ... -
The framing of educational digitalization: A scoping review of empirical studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of this scoping review is to systematically inves- tigate the framing of European empirical research on digi- talization for teaching and learning in the classroom within primary and secondary school (K-12/K-13). ... -
They must live somewhere! The geographical dimension of residualized social rented housing in urban Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The residualization of public rented housing is a prevalent phenomenon throughout Eu- rope, and strongly present in the small and strongly means-tested social housing sector in Norway. In this article, we discuss the ... -
Structural topic modeling as a mixed methods research design: a study on employer size and labor market outcomes for vulnerable groups
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Obtaining and maintaining steady employment can be challenging for people from vul- nerable groups. Previous research has focused on the relationship between employer size and employment outcomes for these groups, but ... -
National Policies Supporting Gender Equality in Academic Careers: Are the “Global Leaders” Doing What It Takes?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)National policies used to advance gender equality in academic careers in higher education in Sweden, Norway, and Finland, are examined based on publicly available documents from 1990 to 2023. Drawing on theoretical ... -
Learning systems and learning paths in sustainability transitions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Scholars have stressed the need to better understand the role of learning in sustainability transitions. Even though progress has been made, there is a call for more research, both in the form of large-scale empirical ... -
Does trust-based management reform enhance employee-driven innovation? Evidence from a Scandinavian capital
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Over the last two decades, public sector trust-based management reform (TBMR) has been on the agenda in Scandinavia. This article analyzes the relationship between such reform and employee-driven innovation (EDI) in schools ... -
Which companies hire NEET? Organisational characteristics of hiring NEET in a Norwegian full-population registry study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Which types of organisations hire NEET? We use longitudinal national registry data from Norway to investigate four types of organisational characteristics: (a) staff proportion with low pay and low education, (b) staff ... -
Comparing digital to traditional follow-up in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration: A youth perspective on trust and satisfaction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Public employment services are increasingly becoming digital. Previous literature has highlighted potential and intersectional risks associated with digitalizing these services. To address this, the current study explores ...