Koronapandemien (covid-19) En studie av norske myndigheters håndtering av koronapandemien på strategisk og politisk nivå
Theme and subject: The topic of the thesis is the National authorities' handling of the corona pandemic through crisis management. The problem underlying the thesis is What are the characteristics of the Norwegian authorities' handling of the corona pandemic at the strategic and political level?
Purpose and background:
As a result of the corona pandemic, Norway and the rest of the world have faced significant challenges in the form of illness and death, redundancies and bankruptcies, and social loneliness. Based on this, it is interesting to take a closer look at which emergency organization national authorities have established, what strategy and measures have been implemented, and what form of management ideas and leadership characterizes this handling.
Method: As a research design, I chose to use a qualitative approach with case studies and document studies. After structuring data findings, the choice was made about the use of theories of management ideas and management philosophies. In the analysis, themes were defined and systematized, findings illuminated against theory, and relevant phenomena related to the problem were discussed.
Findings: The handling of the corona pandemic shows that there is considerable work that the Norwegian authorities have initiated in both emergency preparedness and crisis management. The strategic level is made up of the ministries and based on the measures that are visible in the timeline on regjeringen.no, we can see that all ministries with directorates have been involved. At the political level, it is the government that has made the decisions, which has largely affected the citizens.
Conclusion and implications: Findings indicate that within management ideas, it is Public Administration (TOA) and New Public Governance (OSS) that stand out. Factors indicate that broad involvement through collaboration is what is needed to achieve the goals. Within management theories, findings based on high confidence in the measures indicate that transformational leadership is the main factor in being able to lead the nation through a crisis.