Climate data for peak-load design of building energy systems
This master thesis presents the results of comparing climate data file based on EN-ISO 15927-4 approach and new one- year compact climate data file to climate data file based on 11- years of hourly raw data observations from 01.01.2003 to 31.12.2013 in Blindern, Flesland, Kise, and Kirkenes representing different climate zones in Norway.
A new one- year compact climate data file was used for simulating seven rounds of random years started with different weekdays on building with high thermal mass in Blindern to investigate if years started with different weekdays would have appreciable deviation comparing with a reference climate data file with raw data.
The results of this master thesis were compared for total heating, total cooling, total supplied electricity use, PV Production, exhaust temperature, and operative temperature on the south facade of the building. The results of the research may be used for energy performance of the building, designing of the HVAC systems, and indoor climate analyses.