Skjønnsutøvelse i barnevernet
The theme for this master's thesis is the exercise of discretion in the field of child welfare. More specifically, it is about how the exercise of discretion affects assessments, and how assessments affect evaluations of remedial measures. The problem is: How does the exercise of discretion affect assessments in evaluations of care-changing support measures? And does this have implications for further decision-making?
The intention of the thesis has been to gain insight into caseworkers' experiences with the exercise of discretion and evaluations of care-changing support measures in the child welfare service. Find in this thesis show that judgment is largely used in assessments and that this can affect the results of the evaluations. Evaluations are also practiced differently in terms of frequency, focus and content.
Findings in this thesis also show the importance of caseworkers and managers having a conscious relationship with the exercise of discretion, assessments and evaluations, as a basis for further decision-making.