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dc.contributor.authorOlsen, Cecilie Fromholt
dc.contributor.authorBergland, Astrid
dc.contributor.authorBye, Asta
dc.contributor.authorDebesay, Jonas
dc.contributor.authorLangaas, Anne
dc.identifier.citationBMC Health Services Research. 2021, 21.en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Improving the transitional care of older people, especially hospital-to-home transitions, is a salient concern worldwide. Current research in the field highlights person-centered care as crucial; however, how to implement and enact this ideal in practice and thus achieve more person-centered patient pathways remains unclear. The aim of this study was to explore health care providers’ (HCPs’) perceptions and experiences of what is important to achieve more person-centered patient pathways for older people. Methods: This was a qualitative study. We performed individual semistructured interviews with 20 HCPs who participated in a Norwegian quality improvement collaborative. In addition, participant observation of 22 meetings in the quality improvement collaborative was performed. Results: A thematic analysis resulted in five themes which outline central elements of the HCPs’ perceptions and experiences relevant to achieving more person-centered patient pathways: 1) Finding common ground through the mapping of the patient journey; 2) the importance of understanding the whole patient pathway; 3) the significance of getting to know the older patient; 4) the key role of home care providers in the patient pathway; and 5) ambiguity toward checklists and practice implementation.Conclusions: The findings can assist stakeholders in understanding factors important to practicing person-centered transitional care for older people. Through collaborative knowledge sharing the participants developed a more shared understanding of how to achieve person-centered patient pathways. The importance of assuming a shared responsibility and a more holistic understanding of the patient pathway by merging different ways of knowing was highlighted. Checklists incorporating the What matters to you? question and the mapping of the patient journey were important tools enabling the crossing of knowledge boundaries both between HCPs and between HCPs and the older patients. Home care providers were perceived to have important knowledge relevant to providing more person-centered patient pathways implying a central role for them as knowledge brokers during the patient’s journey. The study draws attention to the benefits of focusing on the older patients’ way of knowing the patient pathway as well as to placing what matters to the older patient at the heart of transitional care.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBMC Health Services Research;21:310
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.subjectOlder peopleen_US
dc.subjectQuality improvementen_US
dc.subjectHealth care providersen_US
dc.subjectHome health care servicesen_US
dc.subjectTransitional careen_US
dc.subjectPatient pathwaysen_US
dc.subjectQualitative researchesen_US
dc.titleCrossing knowledge boundaries: health care providers’ perceptions and experiences of what is important to achieve more person-centered patient pathways for older peopleen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.rights.holderThe Author(s).en_US
dc.source.journalBMC Health Services Researchen_US

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