Blar i Publikasjoner fra Cristin på dokumenttype "Academic article"
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‘Brain fog’, guilt, and gratitude: experiences of symptoms and life changes in older survivors 6 months after hospitalisation for COVID-19
(European Geriatric Medicine;13 (2022), Academic article, 2022-03-10)Purpose: Several of those who have been infected with COVID-19 suffer from the post-COVID-19 condition months after the acute infection. Little is known about how older survivors have experienced the consequences and how ... -
Collaborative Management in Norwegian Municipalities: Do Middle Managers Make a Difference?
(Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration;Vol 26, No 2 (2022), Academic article, 2022)Norway is an example of the Nordic model in which the local level is of fundamental importance. However, the municipalities are relatively small and increasingly subject to decentralisation of their activities. To compensate ... -
Covid-19 og makroøkonomisk politikk
(Samfunnsøkonomen;Nr. 3 • 2021 • 135. årgang, Academic article, 2021)Vi bruker en ISPK-modell til å analysere effekter av pandemien på norsk økonomi og hvilke implikasjoner dette har for penge- og finanspolitikk. Smitteverntiltak og frykt for smitte har gitt en dramatisk nedgang i potensielt ... -
Endringsstrategier og forpliktelse til endring i offentlig sektor
(Academic article, 2021)Denne artikkelen utforsker mellomlederes erfaringer med endringsstrategier og forpliktelse til organisasjons- endring i offentlig sektor. Det finnes flere velkjente teorier om hvordan organisasjoner bør lede endringsprosesser ... -
Evaluation, Framing and Power
(Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration;Vol 25, No 3/4 (2021), Academic article, 2021)The concept of framing implies that policy issues can be viewed from different perspectives. The choice of perspective influences the way societal phenomena are understood and the solutions to the perceived problems, as ... -
Getting in touch: communication in physical therapy practice and the multiple functions of language
(Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences;3:882099, Academic article, 2022-08-04)In physical therapy, communication that actively involves the patient is seen as the foundation of patient-centered treatment. Research on communication in physical therapy highlights how patients’ opportunity to actively ... -
NAVs tjenesteyting til minoritetsspråklige innbyggere. Når regelverk møter realiteter
(Kritisk juss;Årgang 48, nr. 1, Academic article, 2022-05-30)Artikkelen presenterer analyser av etterlevelsen av NAVs retningslinjer for bestilling og bruk av tolk, basert på data fra 29 NAV-kontorer i perioden 2016–2019. Funnene viser stor variasjon mellom kontorene i hvor ofte ... -
Phenomenological Approach to Product Design Pedagogy: A Study on Students’ Experiences in Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Settings
(Design and Technology Education: An International Journal;Vol 26 No 2 (2021), Academic article, 2021-07-01)Product design pedagogical approaches require a specific mix of competences that demand multiplicity of perspectives, hybrid knowledge that exceeds professional field silos, and continuous problem reformulations. To do ... -
Risky Play and Children’s Well-Being, Involvement and Physical Activity
(Child Indicators Research;, Academic article, 2021-02-17)Children’s activities and experiences in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions are essential for children’s present and future lives. Playing is a vital activity in childhood, and playing is found to be ... -
Samfunnsoppdrag under press Erfaringer og vurderinger i norske bibliotek under Covid-19
(Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies;Vol. 2, No. 1, 2021, Academic article, 2021-06-15)As the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world and Norway in 2020, libraries were among the institutions that were impacted. The social mission of libraries to stay open and offer services, cultural experiences and reliable ... -
Styrerblikk på foreldreundersøkelser i barnehagen
(Utbildning & lärande;Vol 14, nr 1 2020, Academic article, 2020)Brukerundersøkelser er vanlig innenfor samfunnets velferdstjenester og kan sees som et verktøy innen resultatstyring. I artikkelen tar vi utgangspunkt i følgende problemstilling: Hvilken påvirkning mener barnehagestyrere ... -
Teaching Size, Area and Scale
(Nordic Design Research;No 9 (2021): Nordes 2021: Matters of Scale, Academic article, 2021)Gaining an understanding of scale, area and size is an important part of the subject of Art and crafts. Although this skill should be practiced, perhaps even mastered, by pupils in primary education, it is regarded as ... -
Technology students’ perceptions of learning in higher education
(British Journal of English Linguistics;Vol 9, Issue 1, 2021, Academic article, 2021)This study set out to probe students’ thoughts regarding what engaged them to learn, what did not, and what they envisage an engaging future higher education to be in relation to the status quo. A journal writing activity ... -
Traumatised women - organised violence
(Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China;Volume 3, Number 1, Academic article, 2020-05-01)This article focuses on the conditions for the development of organised violence to women and children with the ensuing traumatic effects, and details the situation of the affected persons. The claim is that present ... -
Ungdoms opplevelser av konsekvenser av pandemien etter ett år med covid-19-restriksjoner
(Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening;Utgave 13, 28. september 2021, Academic article, 2021-09-27)Bakgrunn: Vi har fått kunnskap om hvordan covid-19-pandemien påvirket ungdoms liv rett etter at pandemien kom til Norge. Vi vet derimot lite om ungdoms opplevelser etter at pandemien har vedvart lenger, og hvorvidt ...