• Barndom som kilde til motstandsdyktighet 

      Ilje-Lien, Johanne (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-29)
      Fokuset for dette kapittelet er nødvendigheten av det særegne ved pedagogikken i norske barnehager; den helhetlige tilnærmingen. En tilnærming hvor personalet både skal sørge for å møte barnets behov for omsorg og lek, og ...
    • Getting in touch: communication in physical therapy practice and the multiple functions of language 

      Ahlsen, Birgitte; Nilsen, Anne Birgitta (Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences;3:882099, Academic article, 2022-08-04)
      In physical therapy, communication that actively involves the patient is seen as the foundation of patient-centered treatment. Research on communication in physical therapy highlights how patients’ opportunity to actively ...
    • Local clothing: What is that? How an environmental policy concept is understood 

      Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Haugrønning, Vilde; Laitala, Kirsi (International Journal of Fashion Studies (INFS);Volume 9, Number 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-01)
      The textile industry is characterized by global mass production and has an immense impact on the environment. One garment can travel around the world through an extensive value chain before reaching its final consumption ...