• Adolescents’ psychosocial well-being one year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway 

      von Soest, Tilmann; Kozák, Michal; Rodriguez Cano, Ruben; Fluit, Anne-Marie; Cortes Garcia, Laura; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Ebad Fardzadeh, Haghish; Bakken, Anders (Nature Human Behaviour;Volume 6, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-20)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically restricted adolescents’ lives. We used nationwide Norwegian survey data from 2014–2021 (N = 227,258; ages 13–18) to examine psychosocial outcomes in adolescents before and during the ...
    • Mental Health, Well-Being, and Adolescent Extremism: A Machine Learning Study on Risk and Protective Factors 

      Ebad Fardzadeh, Haghish; Obaidi, Milan; Strømme, Thea Bertnes; Bjørgo, Tore; Grønnerød, Cato (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We examined the relationship between adolescents’ extremist attitudes with a multitude of mental health, well-being, psycho- social, environmental, and lifestyle variables, using state-of-the-art machine learning procedure ...