Blar i By- og regionforskningsinstituttet (NIBR) på forfatter "Aasland, Aadne"
A note on sampling procedures for the hotel survey
Aasland, Aadne; Guri Tyldum (NIBR-notat 2011:105, Notat, 2011)Last ned gratis The paper decribes the sample for the survey of hotel employees in Oslo and Akershus. it gives details of challenges met and measures made to obtain a representative sample of the target population. The ... -
Building Neighbourhood
Dybtsyna, Elena; Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Aasland, Aadne (NIBR-rapport 2008:04, Report, 2008)The evaluation covers the period of 2002-2006, during which the "aid" perspective on the cooperation with Russia became obsolete to the benefit of mutual benefit, equality and partnership. The Barents project co-operation ... -
‘Crimea will forever be Russian’: dissenting Norwegian media discourses on Russia’s annexation of Crimea
Myhre, Marthe Handå; Aasland, Aadne; Holm-Hansen, Jørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The scholarly literature on Russia’s influence in Europe has so far mainly focused on Russia’s influence activities, discussed either as ‘disinformation’ or ‘soft power’. Less attention has been paid to understanding the ... -
"Derfor blir vi her"- innvandrere i Distrikts-Norge
Søholt, Susanne; Aasland, Aadne; Onsager, Knut; Vestby, Guri Mette (NIBR-rapport 2012:5, Report, 2012)Formålet med studien har vært å skaffe mer kunnskap om hva innvandrere selv legger vekt på når de velger å bli boende i norske distriktskommuner. I tillegg til arbeid og bolig er hovedfunnene: opplevelse av trygghet og ... -
Dimensions of social cohesion in a transitional society: The case of Ukraine
Aasland, Aadne; Filippova, Olga; Deineko, Oleksandra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Focusing on the local community level, this study draws on representative survey data to examine how Ukrainians perceive social cohesion on the basis of objective and subjective criteria. Building on Chan et al.'s ... -
Exploring Departures: Perceptions of Emigration from Norway in Online Discourses
Aasland, Aadne (NIBR Working Paper;2023:104, Working paper, 2023-09)This working paper analyses experiences and opinions related to the factors motivating emigration from Norway. The data was primarily collected from responses to an online article that introduced the EXIT Norway project ... -
Health and Social Affairs in Norway and Russia
Malik, Larisa S.; Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Aasland, Aadne (NIBR-rapport 2007: 20, Report, 2007)This report evaluates the Cooperation Programme on Health and Related Social Issues in the Barents Region and under the Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Wellbeing 2002-2006. The overall picture ... -
Mange vil hjelpe, men hjelper det? En gjennomgang av hjelpetjenester for personer utsatt for negativ sosial kontroll, tvangsekteskap og kjønnslemlestelse
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye; Aasland, Aadne; Staver, Anne Balke (NIBR-rapport;2020:5, Research report, 2020-06)Formålet med denne studien er å kartlegge hvordan hjelpetjenestene for personer utsatt for negativ sosial kontroll, tvangsekteskap og kjønnslemlestelse fungerer, med et spesielt fokus på de særskilte tjenestene på tematikken ... -
Mer må til: Om hivrettet arbeid overfor innvandrere
Aasland, Aadne; Hellevik, Siri Bjerkreim; Aasen, Berit (NIBR-rapport 2012:29, Report, 2012)Rapporten gir en oversikt over hivrelatert arbeid som retter seg mot innvandrere i Norge. Den identifiserer de viktigste aktørene som arbeider med hivtiltak overfor denne gruppen, ser på hva slags type arbeid de utfører, ... -
Nordmenns holdninger til Russland, russere og norsk russlandspolitikk – en spørreundersøkelse
Aasland, Aadne; Myhre, Marthe Hånda (NIBR-kortnotat;2023:1, Working paper, 2023-04)Hva synes nordmenn om politikken Norge fører overfor Russland? I hvilken grad skiller nordmenn mellom det russiske regimet og vanlige russere? Har det offisielle Russlands syn på krigen i Ukraina overhodet noen støtte i ... -
Reception, settlement and integration of Ukrainian refugees in Norway: Experiences and perceptions of Ukrainian refugees and municipal stakeholders (2022-2023)
Hernes, Vilde; Aasland, Aadne; Deineko, Oleksandra; Myhre, Marthe Handå; Liodden, Tone; Myrvold, Trine; Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye; Danielsen, Åsne Øygard (NIBR Report;2023:11, Report, 2023)This study maps and analyses how Ukrainian refugees have experienced the reception, settlement and integration in Norway, and also, what their prospect are for the future. Further, the report also maps and analyses the ... -
Social Exclusion in Nepal - stronger or weaker?
Haug, Marit; Aasland, Aadne (NIBR-notat 2008:115, Notat, 2008)Last ned gratis This paper looks at the challenges of social exclusion in Nepal and the interrelationship with recent political developments in the country. We argue that the poor record of addressing social exclusion ... -
Still building neighbourhood: Mid-term evaluation of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat’s grant programme
Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Aasland, Aadne; Dybtsyna, Elena (NIBR-rapport;2020:24, Research report, 2020-12)The mid-term evaluation provides an assessment of the degree to which the Barents grant programme is being managed in line with its overall objectives set by the MFA and to what extent the objectives have been reached so ... -
Striking roots: Place attachment of international migrants, internal migrants and local natives in three Norwegian rural municipalities
Lynnebakke, Brit; Aasland, Aadne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Based on responses to a survey of international migrants and Norway-born residents in three rural municipalities, this article analyses place attachment at various levels of scale. It compares international migrants to ... -
Vil gjerne vite mer: Kompetansebehov om negativ sosial kontroll og æresrelatert vold blant ansatte i opplærings- og integreringstjenestene
Holm, Arne; Danielsen, Åsne Øygård; Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye; Aasland, Aadne (NIBR-rapport;2022:14, Report, 2022-11)Rapporten analyserer kompetanse om negativ sosial kontroll og æresrelatert vold blant nyankomne flyktninger og innvandrere i opplærings- og integreringstjenestene. Prosjektet er todelt. Først er det foretatt en kartlegging ... -
We’ll meet again? Evaluation of the Norwegian Grant Programme for Health Collaboration with Russia 2016-2019
Aasland, Aadne; Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Kårtveit, Bård (NIBR Report;2022:7, Research report, 2022-09)The bilateral grant programme for Norwegian-Russian health collaboration is administered by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services with funding provided by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through ...