Now showing items 101-120 of 185

    • Likestilling hjemme 

      Hansen, Thomas; Slagsvold, Britt (NOVA Rapport 8/12, Report, 2012)
      Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1 presents research questions and reviews prior findings, with emphasis placed on Norway. The main research questions are: How do married or cohabiting men and women in various age-cohorts ...
    • "Likestillingsprosjektets" barn 

      Hegna, Kristinn (NOVA Rapport 21/05, Report, 2005)
      Young in Norway 1992 and 2002, self-administered questionnaire studies filled in at school by about 20.000 youth aged 13-19 from all over Norway, cover a wide spectrum of questions about the everyday lives of young people. ...
    • "Litt vanskelig at alle skal med!" 

      Seeberg, Marie Louise; Hassan, Sahra Cecilie (NOVA Rapport 3/12, Report, 2012)
      As from August 2010, an amendment to the Education Act and Private Schools Act obligates all school owners (municipal and private) to offer free homework assistance to all pupils in years 1 to 4 in primary school. The ...
    • Livskvalitet blant eldre mennesker med epilepsi 

      Hallvik, Jørgen (NOVA Notat 8/09, Notat, 2009)
      Å leve med epilepsi kan for mange bety å tilpasse seg en ny situasjon, å legge om livet, å finne tilfredsstillelse og mening på en annen måte enn før en ble syk. Mange mennesker med epilepsi lykkes med dette, og kan leve ...
    • Livsløp i velferdsstaten 

      Hyggen, Christer (NOVA Rapport 6/10, Research report, 2010)
      NOVA-rapport 6/10 er Christer Hyggens doktorgradsavhandling. Den søker å forstå og forklare hvorfor noen personer mottar sosialhjelp og andre ikke, hvorfor noen sosialhjelpsmottakere forblir mottakere over lengre perioder ...
    • Læringsmiljø og pedagogisk analyse. 

      Nordahl, T. (NOVA Rapport 19/05, Working paper, 2005)
      The project Learning Environment and Pedagogical Analysis (the LP-model) is a study of 14 Norwegian schools during a period of two and a half years. Lillegården kompetansesenter is responsible for the development part of ...
    • Løysingsfokusert samtaleteknikk (LØFT) i fritidsklubber. 

      Smette, Ingrid (NOVA Rapport 12/05, Report, 2005)
      In the history of youth clubs in Norway, an assumption of the positive effects of youth clubs on the prevalence of young peopleö‚'s alcohol and drug use has played an important role in explaining why youth clubs are ...
    • Mangfoldig omsorg 

      Nergård, Trude B. (NOVA Rapport 16/09, Report, 2009)
      The aim of the project The project, entitled "Multicultural elderly care", which was initiated by KS (the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities), examines three immigrant groups' expectations towards old ...
    • «Medievold avler vold» reell frykt eller moralsk panikk? 

      Frøyland, Lars Roar; Mossige, Svein; Winsvold, Aina; Bjerkan, Kristin Ystmark (NOVA Rapport 8/10, Report, 2010)
      Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet. Spørsmålet som belyses er om eksponering for vold i media fører til at forbrukere av slike medier blir mer voldelige enn dersom ...
    • Modeller for å sikre medbestemmelse og medinnflytelse blant utsatte ungdomsgrupper 

      Winsvold, Aina; Falck, Sturla (NOVA Notat 5/11, Notat, 2011)
      Dette prosjektet har, på oppdrag av Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet, kartlagt modeller for å sikre utsatte ungdomsgrupper medbestemmelse og medinnflytelse. Ungdommer som på ulike måter er marginaliserte ...
    • Morgendagens eldre 

      Slagsvold, Britt; Solem, Per Erik (NOVA Rapport 11/05, Report, 2005)
      This report deals with possible future changes in the life circumstances of the elderly along two main paths. First, will tomorrow's elderly have other preferences, opinions, or values than elderly today? Second, will ...
    • Møter i det flerkulturelle 

      Vestel, Viggo; Øia, Tormod (NOVA Rapport 21/07, Report, 2007)
      The development among young people in multicultural Norway, as well as in other European countries, is characterized by increasing pluralism. In everyday life, both at school and in their leisure time, young people with ...
    • Natalie Rogoff Ramsøy. En pioner i norsk og internasjonal sosiologi 

      Gulbrandsen, Lars Petter; Eriksen, John (NOVA Rapport 10/03, Report, 2003)
      Natalie Rogoff Ramsøy døde 18. januar 2002. For å hedre og minnes henne arrangerte NOVA høsten 2002 et seminar. Denne rapporten inneholder foredragene fra seminaret i bearbeidet form. Gjennom bidragene fra Bjørn Hvinden, ...
    • Nordiske ungdommers holdninger til likestilling 

      Øia, Tormod (NOVA Rapport 25/11, Report, 2011)
      This report discusses high school youngsters and their attitudes concerning equality between men and women among in different Nordic countries. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on different dimensions in the lives of young ...
    • En normal barndom? 

      Thorød, Anne Brita (NOVA Rapport 2/06, Report, 2006)
      This report is based on qualitative interviews with 26 parents in low-income families (below 60 percent of the median income). This is part of an ongoing longitudinal study called «Children's level of living - the impact ...
    • Norsk boligpolitikk i forandring 1970-2010 

      Sørvoll, Jardar (NOVA Rapport 16/11, Report, 2011)
      During the last forty years the Norwegian states housing policy underwent large changes. Housing markets were liberalized, brick and mortar subsidies were phased out, and a general policy aimed at all members of society ...
    • Den norske bostøtten 

      Nordvik, Viggo; Koren, Charlotte; Hansen, Inger Lise Skog; Lescher-Nuland, Bjørn (NOVA Rapport 2/11, Report, 2011)
      The aim of the Norwegian Housing Allowance is to enable low-income households to increase, or maintain, their housing consumption. The Housing Allowance is based on a “gap” notion; for households entitled, the allowance ...
    • Ny kunnskap om aldring og arbeid 

      Solem, Per Erik (NOVA Rapport 6/12, Report, 2012)
      The report presents new knowledge about ageing and work, older workers, and retirement. On two earlier occasions NOVA has produced state of the art publications on ageing and work (Solem 2001, 2007a) for the Centre for ...
    • Ny start med Ny GIV? 

      Bakken, Anders; Sletten, Mira Aaboen (NOVA Rapport 23/11, Report, 2011)
      Ny GIV is a three-year effort by the government to increase the completion rate in secondary education. This report is about the Transition Project (Overgangsprosjektet) in Ny GIV. The aim of the Transition Project is to ...
    • ... og imens går tida. Barnevern, barnehage og kontantstøtte 

      Clausen, Sten-Erik; Gulbrandsen, Lars Petter (NOVA Rapport 6/04, Research report, 2004)
      Barnehage er barnevernets mest benyttede tiltak overfor barn i førskolealder. I forbindelse med innføring av kontantstøtten i 1998, ble det uttrykt bekymring for at det ville bli vanskeligere å komme til med dette tiltaket ...