Now showing items 41-60 of 185

    • Endring i lederes holdninger til eldre arbeidskraft 

      Solem, Per Erik (NOVA Rapport 12/08, Report, 2008)
      Recent changes in the attitudes of Norwegian managers towards older workers This report is based upon analyses of the Norwegian Senior Policy Barometer, division for managers in private and the public sector. Data are ...
    • Endringer for seniorer i arbeidslivet fra 2003 til 2008 

      Solem, Per Erik (NOVA Rapport 20/09, Report, 2009)
      In this report we analyze results from the Norwegian Senior Policy Barometer among employed persons. MMI/Synovate interviewed one thousand persons of all ages for Centre for Senior Policy each year from 2003 to 2008. A new ...
    • Er det skolens skyld? En kunnskapsoversikt om skolens bidrag til kjønnsforskjeller i skoleprestasjoner 

      Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Bakken, Anders; Hegna, Kristinn (NOVA Rapport 4/08, Report, 2008)
      In general, girls achieve better than boys in Norwegian compulsory school. Why is this, and to what extent does the school system in itself play an active role in giving boys poorer conditions for learning? One common point ...
    • "Det er kunnskapene mine dere trenger, ikke språket mitt" 

      Dahle, Rannveig; Seeberg, Marie Louise (NOVA Rapport 24/05, Research report, 2005)
      The project «Workplaces in the health care sector: gender, class, ethnicity» (2003-2005) was financed by the Norwegian Research Council's programme for workplace and labour market research. The project was initiated in ...
    • Erfaringer med dialog i tvangsekteskapssaker 

      Hydle, Ida Marie (NOVA Rapport 27/11, Report, 2011)
      The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) has Forced Marriage as one of its seven target areas. From 2008 onwards the Directorate wished to establish a better information base on forced marriage with the so called ...
    • Erfaringer med omsorgstjenester for eldre innvandrere 

      Ingebretsen, Reidun (NOVA Rapport 11/10, Report, 2010)
      The aim of this report is to describe experiences from care services for elderly immigrants from the perspectives of users, family caregivers and staff, and point to cooperation and challenges in formal vs. informal care. ...
    • Ett år med arbeidslivsfaget 

      Bakken, Anders; Sletten, Mira Aaboen; Smette, Ingrid; Dæhlen, Marianne; Haakestad, Hedda (NOVA Rapport 1/12, Report, 2012)
      A new practical subject – Arbeidslivsfaget ("working life course")– was introduced as an option for a selected number of lower secondary schools in 2009 and 2010. It is a practical oriented course where students are to ...
    • Evaluering av "Prosjekt rovdyrkunnskap" i Stor-Elvdal kommune 

      Svenningsen, Mette (NOVA Rapport 9/03, Research report, 2003)
      I denne rapporten presenteres en evaluering av Prosjekt rovdyrkunnskap i Stor-Elvdal kommune. Dette prosjektet kom i stand på lokalt initiativ, og ble finansiert av Miljøverndepartementet. Det hadde som mål å øke innbyggernes ...
    • Evaluering av leksehjelptilbudet 1.-4. trinn 

      Bakken, Anders; Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Huang, Lihong (NOVA Rapport 6/13, Report, 2013)
      NOVA og NIFU har evaluert leksehjelptilbudet til 1.-4. trinn, som ble gjort obligatorisk som tilbud i alle landets grunnskoler fra høsten 2010. Det overordnede målet med evalueringen var å finne ut hvordan leksehjelpen ...
    • Evaluering av prosjektet: Sammen for barn og unge bedre samordning av tjenester til utsatte barn og unge 

      Winsvold, Aina; Falck, Sturla (NOVA Rapport 18/11, Report, 2011)
      This report presents the final evaluation of a project called: “Sammen for barn og unge – bedre samordning av tjenester til utsatte barn og unge.» Norwegian Social research (NOVA) was commissioned by The Norwegian Association ...
    • Familie, velferdsstat og aldring. 

      Herlofson, Katharina; Daatland, Svein Olav (NOVA Rapport 7/04, Research report, 2004)
      Summary The report focuses on solidarity between adult generations, more specifically what responsibility adult children have towards older parents, how responsibilities should be divided between the family and the welfare ...
    • Familiepolitikkens historie - 1970 til 2000 

      Vollset, Gerd (NOVA Rapport 1/11, Report, 2011)
      De familie- og samlivsformene nordmenn lever sine liv innenfor, har vært i rask og sterk endring de siste tiårene. I noen sammenhenger har politikken vært en aktiv pådriver i disse endringene. Men like ofte har politikken ...
    • Fattige innvandrerbarn 

      Grødem, Anne Skevik; Øia, Tormod; Krange, Olve (NOVA Rapport 16/06, Report, 2006)
      Several Norwegian studies show that immigrants are over-represented among families with low incomes. Still we know little about what it is like to grow up in an immigrant family with little money. This report is about ...
    • "For å jobbe her må en være interessert i folka som bor her" 

      Danielsen, Kirsten; Engebrigtsen, Ada; Finnvold, Jon Erik (NOVA Rapport 22/11, Report, 2011)
      To work actively, in a targeted, planned manner to promote equality and prevent discrimination is an explicit objective for Norwegian authorities. To develop equal, non-discriminatory public services is an essential part ...
    • For barnas skyld 

      Engebrigtsen, Ada; Winsvold, Aina (NOVA Rapport 17/10, Report, 2010)
      Rapporten handler om hvordan man kan motivere asylsøkende barnefamilier til å returnere frivillig til hjemlandet etter endelig avslag på asylsøknaden. Frivillig retur vil i denne sammenhengen si å returnere med støtte fra ...
    • For store forventninger? 

      Bakken, Anders; Elstad, Jon Ivar (NOVA Rapport 7/12, Report, 2012)
      Dette er sluttrapporten fra et prosjekt der NOVA har vurdert hvorvidt skolereformen Kunnskapsløftet er et skritt i retning av å utjevne sosiale forskjeller i læringsutbytte. Funnene tyder ikke på at Kunnskapsløftet har ...
    • Foreldreskap i småbarnsfamilien 

      Stefansen, Kari (NOVA Rapport 24/11, Report, 2011)
      This thesis explores the relationship between the social institution of parenthood and social class. The aim is to contribute to the evolving international field of qualitative research on this topic, more specifically to ...
    • Forsøk med arbeidslivsfag på ungdomstrinnet 

      Bakken, Anders; Smette, Ingrid; Dæhlen, Marianne (NOVA Rapport 11/13, Report, 2013)
      Since autumn 2009 a new subject – «arbeidslivsfag» – has been implemented as an experiment in 133 selected lower secondary schools. The intension has been to develop a practical subject, as an alternative to students who ...
    • Forvaltning som yrke 

      Jessen, Jorunn Theresia (NOVA Rapport 15/05, Research report, 2005)
      This report presents the results from the project ö‚«Changes in welfare occupations. A comparative study of job decision latitude, competence and use of discretion within the National Insurance Service and the Social ...
    • Fra best til bedre? 

      Gulbrandsen, Lars Petter (NOVA Rapport 9/04, Research report, 2004)
      Summary The Government White Paper on day care provision presented in December 1999 announced a three-year quality drive. Starting in 2001, all Norwegian day care centres were to establish, by the end of 2003, tools and ...