Challenges for international students in using electronic resources in the Learning Centre : a case study of Oslo University College
The purpose of this study is to find out the challenges facing by international students in using
electronic resources in the OUC learning center. This research has used a qualitative approach
and purposive, a non-probability techniques used for sampling of this study. A semi-structured
face-to-face interviews method is used for the collection of data. The interview questions were
open ended and the discourse analysis method has been used for analysing data. In the data
analysis section the researcher has chosen to quote the most significant utterances in unedited
form and other utterances have been included in edited form as supporting evidence.
The study identified a number of the challenges faced by international students in using
electronic resources in the OUC learning center. It also discovered some general problems in
relation to international students’ use of the libraries in general for instance, different
classification system; different library location; closed shelves; no experience using
automated library before; problems related to login and using FRONTER. These barriers
were problematic to the informants for a while, but through asking for help from the
library staff or their friends, they resolved them. So, these were not serious problems that
need any intervention from the learning center. But of course some substantial problems
which were particularly problematic to international students in connection with using the
electronic resources in the OUC learning center, including: Cultural differences;
Language barrier; Lack of training; Problems in user Interface; Unfamiliar teaching or
learning style. These are the problems uncovered, demand intervention from the learning
Furthermore, in this study it is found that students from countries closely culturally
related to Norway are more familiar or apt with library environment and teaching style
than students from countries culturally distant from Norway. It is significant that library anxiety
or barriers with staff, judging from the results of the interviews, were absent. The students
overwhelmingly confirmed that they were happy with the assistance of library staff and that
they were comfortable with using the 24/7 computer availability, printing and drop box
facilities for return the borrowed items.
Suggestions for actions to increase the usefulness of the library resources for
international students, include: to arrange cultural diversity workshops; both Norwegian and English compatible web page; to make available all kind of forms are in English; to arrange
web based training program; to provide online instruction for searching e-resources; to arrange
practical training; to provide training program for 2/3 times; to replace the icon “book” with a
suitable link like “library”; online chat with a librarian 24/7.
It is recommended that the learning center needs to be proactive in addressing the
problems of these students in order to provide the learning center support required for them to
successfully pursue their studies.
Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL)
Høgskolen i Oslo. Avdeling for journalistikk, bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskapUniversitetet i Tallinn
Universitetet i Parma