Hvordan har ideen om tillitsbasert styring og ledelse endret styringspraksis i Oslo kommunes styring av bydelene?
2017, the city council of Oslo decided that trust-based governance and management should be its
guiding principle in the governance of the city. The purpose of this assignment is to provide a better
understanding of the model of trust and how the boroughs in the city of Oslo have put this into practice. We
have explored how trust-based governance and management is perceived by Oslo's district directors. The
key issue we are addressing is:
How has the idea of trust-based governance and management changed the governance practices in the
management of Oslo's city districts?
The study has a qualitative approach and we conducted a total of five in-depth interviews with district
directors. Their subjective reflections and thoughts about trust-based governance and management
provide information about how this has changed governance practices across city districts.
We have looked at the instrumental and cultural perspective, as well as the theory of trust, governance and
leadership and implementation. Furthermore, the City Council case from 2017 on trust-based governance
and management is central.
The study shows that trust-based management has no clear, standardized practice in the districts. The
study also reveals that there have been few major changes related to governance and management since
the introduction, but that the districts are constantly changing. By contrast, the trust model has contributed
to increased awareness of the concept of trust, goal and performance management and empowerment of
employees. In addition, there is a shift towards seeing things from the perspective of the user, rather than
simply keeping the user in mind, in the effort to improve services across city districts.
Master i styring og ledelse