Exams in calculations/mathematics in Norway 1946–2017 – content and form
Original version
Smestad B, Fossum A: Exams in calculations/mathematics in Norway 1946–2017 – content and form. In: Jankvist UT, Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen MHAM, Veldhuis M. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11), 2019. ERMEAbstract
Mathematics has been a constant part of Norwegian primary schooling. This impression of constancy is misleading, however. In the period from 1946 to 2017, the subject ‘regning’ (calculations) had its name changed to mathematics and has gone through a long series of reforms. The goals of the subject have changed with each reform. Based on content analyses of a selection of school leaving exams, we will describe how the content of mathematics has changed over time. As the demands on pupils’ language have increased, so have the demands on their ability to use different tools and handle different task formats and information presented in different ways. In summary, the knowledge and skills that pupils need to complete the exams today are very different from the skills they needed in 1946.