TKD - Institutt for informasjonsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 1008
Model-based digital twins of medicine dispensers for healthcare IoT applications
(Software, Practice & Experience;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Healthcare applications with the Internet of Things (IoT) are oftensafety-critical, thus, require extensive testing. Such applications are often con-nected to smart medical devices from various vendors. System-level testing ... -
Cloud storage cost: a taxonomy and survey
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Cloud service providers offer application providers with virtually infinite storage and computing resources, while providing cost-efficiency and various other quality of service (QoS) properties through a storage-as-a-service ... -
Electron-photon exchange-correlation approximation for quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory (QEDFT) provides a promising avenue for exploring complex light-matter interactions in optical cavities for real materials. Similar to conventional densityfunctional theory, ... -
SmartCrop-H: AI-Based Cropping of Ice Hockey Videos
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2024)Sports multimedia plays a central role in captivating audiences on social media platforms. However, fast-paced sports such as ice hockey pose unique challenges due to their swift gameplay and the small puck size, making ... -
Correlation Visualization Under Missing Values: A Comparison Between Imputation and Direct Parameter Estimation Methods
(Chapter, 2024)Correlation matrix visualization is essential for understanding the relationships between variables in a dataset, but missing data can seriously affect this important data visualization tool. In this paper, we compare the ... -
AI-Based Sports Highlight Generation for Social Media
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2024)Social media plays a significant role for sports organizations with millions of active fans, but publishing highlights is often a tedious manual operation. With the development of AI, new tools are available for content ... -
AI-Based Cropping of Soccer Videos for Different Social Media Representations
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)The process of re-publishing soccer videos on social media often involves labor-intensive and tedious manual adjustments, particularly when altering aspect ratios while trying to maintain key visual elements. To address ... -
Validating polyp and instrument segmentation methods in colonoscopy through Medico 2020 and MedAI 2021 Challenges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Automatic analysis of colonoscopy images has been an active field of research motivated by the importance of early detection of precancerous polyps. However, detecting polyps during the live examination can be challenging ... -
Bottleneck Identification in Cloudified Mobile Networks Based on Distributed Telemetry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Cloudified mobile networks are expected to deliver a multitude of services with reduced capital and operating expenses. A characteristic example is 5G networks serving several slices in parallel. Such mobile networks, ... -
Micro-and mesoscale aspects of neurodegeneration in engineered human neural networks carrying the LRRK2 G2019S mutation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene have been widely linked to Parkinson’s disease, where the G2019S variant has been shown to contribute uniquely to both familial and sporadic forms of the disease. ... -
HITS-based Propagation Paradigm for Graph Neural Networks
(ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we present a new propagation paradigm based on the principle of Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) algorithm. The HITS algorithm utilizes the concept of a “self-reinforcing” relationship of authority-hub. ... -
Trustworthy machine learning in the context of security and privacy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artificial intelligence-based algorithms are widely adopted in critical applications such as healthcare and autonomous vehicles. Mitigating the security and privacy issues of AI models, and enhancing their trustworthiness ... -
Cloud storage tier optimization through storage object classification
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Cloud storage adoption has increased over the years given the high demand for fast processing, low access latency, and ever-increasing amount of data being generated by, e.g., Internet of Things applications. In order to ... -
Quantization of locally compact groups associated with essentially bijective 1-cocycles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Given an extension 0 → V → G → Q → 1 of locally compact groups, with V abelian, and a compatible essentially bijective 1-cocycle η : Q → Vˆ , we define a dual unitary 2-cocycle on G and show that the associated deformation ... -
STAR: Spread of innovations on graph structures with the Susceptible-Tattler-Adopter-Removed model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Adoptions of a new innovation such as a product, service or idea are typically drivenboth by peer-to-peer social interactions and by external influence. Social graphs areusually used to efficiently model the peer-to-peer ... -
Predictive Modeling of Stock Prices Using Transformer Model
(Chapter, 2024)Financial market prediction utilizing deep learning has attracted the attention of both investors and researchers. Deep learning methods, such as convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks work well at ... -
Bias correction of operational storm surge forecasts using Neural Networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Storm surges can give rise to extreme floods in coastal areas. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway) produces 120 h regional operational storm surge forecasts along the coast of Norway based on the Regional ... -
AI-Based Cropping of Ice Hockey Videos for Different Social Media Representations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Sports multimedia is among the most prominent types of content distributed across social media today, and the retargeting of videos for diverse aspect ratios is essential for a suitable representation on different social ... -
On the Evaluation of Privacy Impact Assessment and Privacy Risk Assessment Methodologies: A Systematic Literature Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Assessing privacy risks and incorporating privacy measures from the onset requires a comprehensive understanding of potential impacts on data subjects. Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) offer a systematic methodology for ... -
Elderly-centered usability heuristics for augmented reality design and development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Augmented reality (AR) technology is making rapid progress and gaining high popularity, substantially due to the variety of new possibilities that it can ofer to its users, including the elderly population. However, there ...