• Occupant satisfaction with two blind control strategies: Slats closed and slats in cut-off position 

      Karlsen, Line Røseth; Heiselberg, Per; Bryn, Ida (Solar Energy;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-12)
      Modern highly glazed buildings require solar shading in order to obtain visual and thermal comfort for the occupants in addition to obtain a low energy use of the building. For the system to respond to the external conditions ...
    • On fracture criteria in phase field model for fracture in asphalt concrete 

      Khan, Ghufranullah; Ahmed, Awais; Hassan Amjad, Hassan; Ahmad, Aizaz; Nawaz, R.; Iqbal, Mudassir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Extensive research has explored cracking in asphalt mixtures under pure mode-I conditions; however, heavy traffic loads often lead to crack formation under mixed-mode fracture conditions in asphalt pavements. This paper ...
    • On Shock Propagation through Double-Bend Ducts by Entropy-Generation-Based Artificial Viscosity Method 

      Chaudhuri, Arnab (Entropy;Volume 21, Issue 9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-22)
      Shock-wave propagation through obstacles or internal ducts involves complex shock dynamics, shock-wave shear layer interactions and shock-wave boundary layer interactions arising from the associated diffraction phenomenon. ...
    • On the ballistic perforation resistance of a sandwich structure with aluminium skins and aluminium foam core 

      Brekken, Kristoffer Aune; Bakk, Maria S.; Dey, Sumita; Berstad, Torodd; Reyes, Aase; Børvik, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Sandwich structures have proven to be excellent energy absorbents and are found in various protective solutions. In this study, an inhomogeneous aluminium foam was used as core material in a sandwich panel with skins of ...
    • On the Energy Performance of Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material Enhanced Spackling with Night Ventilation 

      Aamodt, Andreas; Chaudhuri, Arnab; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Vik, Tor Arvid (Applied Sciences;volume 11, issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-06)
      Phasechangematerial(PCM)isanattractivesolutionforimprovementofthermalperfor- mance in buildings, and have excited a vast amount of research in recent years. There are however practical challenges with ensuring adequate ...
    • On the performance of differential evolution variants in constrained structural optimization 

      Georgioudakis, Manolis; Plevris, Vagelis (Procedia Manufacturing;volume 44, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-05-04)
      Constrained optimization is a highly important field of engineering as most real-world optimization problems are associated with one or several constraints. Such problems are often challenging to solve due to their complexity ...
    • On-site inspections: the shift from forms to digital capture 

      Rolfsen, Christian Nordahl; Lassen, Ann Karina (Organization, Technology & Management in Construction (OTMC);Volume 12: Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-25)
      The building, construction, and real estate industry is undergoing a major transition with traditional ways of working being replaced by novel three-dimensional modeling technologies. Such transitions take place incrementally ...
    • An Open-Source Framework for Modeling RC Shear Walls Using Deep Neural Networks 

      Solorzano, German; Plevris, Vagelis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls macroscopic models are simplified strategies able to simulate the complex nonlinear behavior of RC shear walls to some extent, but their efficacy and robustness are limited. In contrast, ...
    • OpenSeismoMatlab: A new open-source software for strong ground motion data processing 

      Papazafeiropoulos, George; Plevris, Vagelis (Heliyon;Volume 4, Issue 9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-26)
      OpenSeismoMatlab is an innovative open-source software for strong ground motion data processing, written in MATLAB. The software implements an elastoplastic bilinear kinematic hardening constitutive model and uses a ...
    • Opplevd innsats og verdi knyttet til BREEAM-NOR-emner 

      Law, Merete Stene; Bautz, Marcus; Daher, Rukiya Omar (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      For å kunne effektivisere og optimalisere miljøsertifiseringsprosessen i fremtidige prosjekter, har opp- gaven undersøkt problemstillingene «i hvilken grad og hvorfor oppleves ulike BREEAM-NOR-emner som verdifulle og/eller ...
    • Optimal charging strategy for intercity travels of battery electric vehicles 

      Wang, Yongxing; Bi, Jun; Guan, Wei; Lu, Chaoru; Xie, Dongfan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      ABSTRACT Limited driving range, long charging time and high charging costs affect the use of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) for intercity travels and often compel drivers to charge their vehicles more than once. This ...
    • Optimal Design Strategy of a Solar Reflector Combining Photovoltaic Panels to Improve Electricity Output: A Case Study in Calgary, Canada 

      Kim, Moon Keun; Abdulkadir, Khalid Osman; Liu, Jiying; Choi, Joon-Ho; Huiqing, Wen (Sustainability;Volume 13 / Issue 11, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-28)
      This study explores the combination of photovoltaic (PV) panels with a reflector mounted on a building to improve electricity generation. Globally, PV panels have been widely used as a renewable energy technology. In order ...
    • Optimal placement of coupling elements of RC shear walls using endurance time method 

      Kheyroddin, Ali; Arabsarhangi, Reza; Shabani, Amirhosein; Kioumarsi, Mahdi (Procedia Structural Integrity;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Shear wall is one of the common lateral bracing systems in reinforced concrete structures. A coupling beam can be used due to architectural limitations for connecting two or multiple separate walls. Coupling beams are the ...
    • Optimal sensor placement techniques for modal identification of historical masonry structures 

      Shabani, Amirhosein; Kioumarsi, Mahdi (Procedia Structural Integrity;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Since destructive tests are not allowed for historical structures, numerical model updating using accelerometers has gained a lot of attraction in the last decade. Furthermore, another application of structural health ...
    • Optimalisering av industribygg ved benyttelse av massivtreelementer 

      Engevik, Mathias Berntzen; Svortevik, Vilde Jakobsen (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Løvenskiold Eiendom AS eier MAXBO Stormarked, og selskapet ønsket en vurdering av en eventuell benyttelse av massivtreelementer i egne industribygg. I belysning av dette, tar bacheloroppgaven for seg en analyse av hvor ...
    • Optimalisering av landkarkonstruksjon 

      Baniya, Jenish; Berhane, Silmon Tsegai; Baqeri, Haji Hossin (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Klimagassutslippene fra byggenæringer er høye, noe som gir miljøskadelige konsekvenser for fremtidens generasjoner. På grunnlag av dette ble det utarbeidet bacheloroppgave for å finne optimale landkarløsninger. Dette kan ...
    • Optimizing long-term park-level integrated energy system through multi-stage planning: A study incorporating the ladder-type carbon trading mechanism 

      Li, Kaiyue; Ran, Jingyu; Kim, Moon Keun; Tian, Zhe; Liu, Jiying (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The integrated energy system is widely acknowledged as an effective method for advancing the adoption of renewable energy sources and reducing carbon emissions. To address economic issues caused by the inconsistency between ...
    • Optimum Design of RC Footings with Genetic Algorithms According to ACI 318-19 

      Ramirez, German Solorzano; Plevris, Vagelis (Buildings;Volume 10, Issue 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-11)
      Engineers usually use trial-and-error approaches for dealing with design problems where they need to find the most economical design of a structural element in terms of its material cost while satisfying all the safety ...
    • OSLO 2019: A Car-free City Centre 

      Rydningen, Ulf; Høynes, Rebecca Celine; Kolltveit, Lars Wisth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In June 2016, a climate and energy strategy for Oslo was enacted by the city council. The overall climate targets adopted for Oslo 2030–2050 were to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% (2030) and to zero in 2050. To ...
    • Parametric analysis of ground source heat pump system for heating of office buildings in Nordic climate 

      Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Torgersen, Jørgen; Nord, Natasa (BuildSIM-Nordic 2020: Selected papers;, Conference object, 2020)
      This paper presents a sensitivity analysis followed by an optimization to improve the performance of a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system for an office building located in Norway, for Oslo, Stavanger, and Tromsø climatic ...