Browsing LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning by Journals "Computers in Human Behavior"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Instruction vs. emergence on r/place: Understanding the growth and control of evolving artifacts in mass collaboration
(Computers in Human Behavior;Volume 122, September 2021, 106845, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-28)In April 2017, Reddit hosted an online social experiment in mass collaboration that consisted of placing graphical (1-pixel) tiles on a 1000 by 1000-pixel canvas. A simple design rule instructed each person to place one ... -
Students' evaluation of digital information: The role teachers play and factors that influence variability in teacher behaviour
(Computers in Human Behaviour;Volume 83, June 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-03)Students deal with large amounts of digital information each day, which, clearly, they need to be able to evaluate. Teachers can play pivotal roles in fostering students’ evaluation of digital information. Here, using ...