Browsing LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning by Author "Hansen, Pål J. Kirkeby"
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An Effective Introduction to Technology and Design in Norwegian Primary Education
Hansen, Pål J. Kirkeby (Design and Technology Education;15 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)How can young pupils get An effective introduction to technology and design at the primary level in the Norwegian context? This question is highlighted with examples based on case studies at five classes in two schools ... -
Hvordan introduseres og videreutvikles kunnskap om vannets kretsløp i norske lærebøker for grunnskolen?
Hansen, Pål J. Kirkeby (Nordic Studies in Science Education;8 (2), Academic article, 2012)The water cycle is introduced at grade 3 in science textbooks. The topic is continued at grades 6/7, and further developed at grades 8/9 both in science and geography textbooks. The water cycle is one of the “big ideas in ... -
Knowledge about the Greenhouse Effect and the Effects of the Ozone Layer among Norwegian Pupils Finishing Compulsory Education in 1989, 1993, and 2005 : What Now?
Hansen, Pål J. Kirkeby (International Journal of Science Education;32 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-03)The greenhouse effect and the effects of the ozone layer have been in the media and public focus for more than two decades. During the same period, Norwegian compulsory schools have had four national curricula. The two ...