• Counting maximal isotropic subbundles of orthogonal bundles over a curve 

      Hitching, George Harry; Choe, Insong; Cheong, Daewoong (Journal of Algebra;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Let C be a smooth projective curve and V an orthogonal bundle over C. Let IQe (V ) be the isotropic Quot scheme parameterizing degree e isotropic subsheaves of maximal rank in V . We give a closed formula for intersection ...
    • Counting maximal Lagrangian subbundles over an algebraic curve 

      Cheong, Daewoong; Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry (Journal of Geometry and Physics;Volume 167, September 2021, 104288, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Let C be a smooth projective curve and W a symplectic bundle over C. Let LQe(W) be the Lagrangian Quot scheme parametrizing Lagrangian subsheaves E ⊂ W of degree e. We give a closed formula for intersection numbers on ...
    • Irreducibility of Lagrangian Quot schemes over an algebraic curve 

      Cheong, Daewoong; Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry (Mathematische Zeitschrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-03)
      Let C be a complex projective smooth curve and W a symplectic vector bundle of rank 2n over C. The Lagrangian Quot scheme LQ_{−e}(W) parameterizes subsheaves of rank n and degree −e which are isotropic with respect to the ...
    • Isotropic Quot schemes of orthogonal bundles over a curve 

      Choe, Insong; Cheong, Daewoong; Hitching, George Harry (International Journal of Mathematics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-19)
      We study the isotropic Quot schemes IQe(V ) parameterizing degree e isotropic subsheaves of maximal rank of an orthogonal bundle V over a curve. The scheme IQe(V ) contains a compactification of the space IQe◦(V ) of degree ...