Browsing LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning by Author "Aas, Marit"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Aktivitetsteori som tenkeredskap i aksjonsforskning
Eri, Thomas; Aas, Marit (Aksjonsforskning i Norge; Volum 2: Grunnlagstenkning, forskerroller og bidrag til endring i ulike kontekster, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-23)I dette kapitlet presenterer og diskuterer vi hvordan kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori kan fungere som tenkeredskap i aksjonsforskningsprosjekter. Nærmere bestemt så undersøker vi hvordan introduksjon av sentrale prinsipper ... -
Benchlearning - an action research program for transforming leadership and school practices
Aas, Marit; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Halvorsen, Kjell Atle (Educational Action Research;Published online 22 Jan 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-28)In this paper, we investigate how a Benchlearning program for principals in Norway and Sweden supports changes in Norwegian principals’ leadership practices. The program design builds on principles for practical action ... -
Building leadership capacity in school leadership groups: an action research project
Aas, Marit; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug (Educational Action Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-08)This research study focuses on school leadership groups taking part in an action research project (AR project) within schools in a Norwegian municipality. The study aims to show and discuss how action research (AR) adopted ... -
Deputy heads—leadership and power in change?
Abrahamsen, Hedvig Neerland; Aas, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Much current research emphasizes the importance of leadership as an interactive activity in leading school change and improvement. In the Norwegian context, there is growing interest in redesigning the historical ... -
Enhancing system thinking - a superintendent and three principals reflecting with a critical friend
Henriksen, Øyvind H.; Aas, Marit (Educational Action Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02-11)There is a growing body of action research on school improvement and development. Many of these studies have found the use of critical friendship valuable in relation to teachers’ or principals’ practice. Yet, little ... -
Ethical thinking and decision-making in the leadership of professional learning communities
Ballangrud, Brit Bolken; Aas, Marit (Educational Research;Volume 64, 2022 - Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-16)Background: Despite widespread interest in the leadership and establishment of professional learning communities (PLCs), the ethical dimension may be overlooked. This article examines, in a Norwegian context, how principals ... -
Forskning på den nasjonale skolelederutdanningen Delrapport 2
Aas, Marit; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Ballangrud, Brit Bolken; Andersen, Fred Carlo (Research report, 2023) -
Forskning på den nasjonale skolelederutdanningen Delrapport 3
Aas, Marit; Ballangrud, Brit Bolken; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Andersen, Fred Carlo (Research report, 2023) -
Forskning på den nasjonale skolelederutdanningen. Delrapport 1
Aas, Marit; Andersen, Fred Carlo; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Dehlin, Erlend (Research report, 2021) -
Forskning på den nasjonale skolelederutdanningen. En utdanning som gir avtrykk i praksis. Sluttrapport. 78 sider
Aas, Marit; Ballangrud, Brit Bolken; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Andersen, Fred Carlo (Research report, 2024) -
Group coaching integrated into national school leadership programs for professional development of school leaders: A similar, yet different approach at a Norwegian and Swedish university
Leo, Ulf; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Aas, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)A growing body of research has emphasized coaching as a key approach to the professional development of school leaders. In many countries, coaching in one form or another is integrated into national school leadership ... -
Group coaching that promotes self-Efficacy and role clarity among school leaders
Brandmo, Christian; Aas, Marit; Colbjørnsen, Tor; Olsen, Rolf (Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;Published online 29 Aug 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-20)Group coaching is emerging as an approach with a strong potential for developing leadership competencies. However, there is little research on its use in the professional training of school leaders. In this study, we ... -
How school leaders can gain role clarity and grow their leadership identity
Aas, Marit; Andersen, Fred Carlo; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug (Research in Educational Administration and Leadership;Volume: 5, Issue: 2/June 2020, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10-02)Over the past decades, principals have experienced an increased pressure emanating from the responsibility for managing change and building organisations, whilst striving to improve students’ learning outcomes (Abrahamsen, ... -
Leadership and change in a Norwegian school context: Tensions as productive driving forces.
Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Aas, Marit (Educational Management Administration & Leadership;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-29)This article examines the leadership of school principals who, based on the narrative case of the Blueberry School, discuss how they as principals would have responded to a similar problematic situation regarding a school ... -
Leadership in low- and underperforming schools—two contrasting Scandinavian cases
Ahlstrøm, Bjørn; Aas, Marit (International Journal of Leadership in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-25)In this paper, we investigate how professional cultures and situated, material and external contexts relate to dynamic low- and underperforming schools in Scandinavia, particularly how the leadership is constructed through ... -
Leading professional group discussions: a challenge for principals?
Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Aas, Marit (International Journal of Leadership in Education;Published online 22 Feb 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Developing collective professional capacity in schools is viewed as important for improving schools. Furthermore, principals are seen as being in a key position to promote the development of collective capacity. Although ... -
National strategy for supporting school principal’s instructional leadership: A Scandinavian approach
Aas, Marit; Paulsen, Jan Merok (Journal of Educational Administration;Vol. 57 No. 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose: A number of empirical studies and evaluations in Norway and Sweden shows variabilities in the degree to which the municipalities succeed in their endeavors to support school principals’ instructional leadership ... -
Organisering av samarbeid mellom skole og arbeidsliv i yrkesfagutdanningen
Rekdahl, Merete C.; Aas, Marit; Ballangrud, Brit Bolken (Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Norsk og nordisk forskning tyder på at det er utfordringer med samarbeidet mellom skole og arbeidsliv i den yrkesfaglige utdanningen. Et manglende samarbeid mellom skole og arbeidsliv kan føre til at elevene får en mindre ... -
A supportive tool for principals in guiding professional group discussions.
Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Aas, Marit (Educational Research;Volume 62, 2020 - Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-30)Background: Developing collective professional capacities in schools is important for school improvement, and principals can initiate such developments. That is, by initiating and leading professional group discussions on ... -
Veiledning som lederstøtte i skoleutvikling: den utfordrende oppstarten
Abrahamsen, Lena; Aas, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Skoleledelse har betydning for skoleutvikling og påvirker dermed elevenes læring indirekte. Av den grunn trenger skolen ledere som har kunnskap om å lede endrings- og utviklingsarbeid, og en slik kompetanse kan utvikles ...