Blar i HV - Institutt for rehabiliteringsvitenskap og helseteknologi på utgivelsesdato
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Brukerundersøkelse ved radiologiske avdelinger om radiografhøgskolens utdanningstilbud
(Research report, 1994-07)Radiografutdanningen ble høgskoleutdanning i 1981. Dette innebar at skolen måtte oppgradere seg til å bli høgskole. En av intensjonene med utdanningene innenfor høgskolesystemet er at de skal kvalifisere for et yrke med ... -
Mortality 5 years after detoxification and counselling as indicated by psychometric tests
(Substance abuse;Volume 22 - Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)Residential detoxification of substance abusers, using medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms, often fails to ensure further abstention and predict which clients have the greatest risk of morbidity after detoxification. ... -
Adaptation of human skeletal muscle to nine weeks of intermittent resistance training
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2001)Twelve persons were randomly assigned to a training group (n=6) or a control group (n=6). The training consisted of intensive, intermittent elbow extensions three times a week at 55 per cent of 1RM for nine weeks. Needle ... -
Tilbake til arbeid etter hjerneskade? Arbeidstakere og fagpersoners erfaringer
(Professional article, 2009) -
Death by suicide long after electroconvulsive therapy : is the sense of coherence test of Antonovsky a predictor of mortality from depression?
(Mental Illness;2 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-11)Prediction of increased risk of suicide is difficult. We had the opportunity to follow up 20 patients receiving electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) because of severe depression. They filled in the Antonovsky sense of ... -
Expectations of the future : immigrant, asylum seeker, or refugee - does it matter?
(Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care;6 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-05)Background: Refugees and asylum seekers may have other feelings and expectations about the future than immigrants do. The aim of this study was to explore and analyse the expectations for the future among populations of ... -
Energy expenditure of transfemoral amputees walking on a horizontal and tilted treadmill simulating different outdoor walking conditions
(Prosthetics and Orthotics International;34 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-06)Background and aim: Transfemoral amputees often report that walking on tilted pavements or in terrain with the prosthesis on the highest side is quite strenuous. This study investigates the energy expenditure of transfemoral ... -
Poetic reflection through digital storytelling – a methodology to foster professional health worker identity in students
( : Media, technology and lifelong learning;6(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-07)In the field of digital storytelling research there is a focus on personal narratives, multimedia and the creative process in developing identity and voice. The project introduced in this paper has identified contexts ... -
Diagnosis after an acute psychiatric inpatient stay : how do psychotic and non-psychotic diagnoses relate to the results of psychometric tests of substance abuse?
(Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care;6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-07-19)The AUDIT questionnaire indicated scores above cut-off for seven (38.9%) patients with a psychotic disorder, 18 (52.9%) with an affective disorder, six (66.7%) with a substance abuse diagnosis and three (23.1%) with other ... -
Relationship between competency in activities and post-concussion symptoms after traumatic brain injury
(Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy;17 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-09)Objective: To determine to what extent injury severity and post-concussion symptoms after 3 months predict ability in activities 12 months after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and assess the frequency of problems in daily ... -
Group climate development in cognitive and interpersonal group therapy for social phobia
(Group Dynamics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-11-08)This study was designed as a longitudinal study of 80 participants in cognitive group therapy (RCT, n = 40) and interpersonal group therapy (RIPT, n = 40) for social phobia during 10 weeks of residential therapy. The aim ... -
Impact of ethnicity on gestational diabetes identified with the WHO and the modified International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria: a population-based cohort study
(European Journal of Endocrinology;2011, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Objective The International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) recently proposed new criteria for diagnosing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). We compared prevalence rates, risk factors, and the ... -
Migrant participation in Norwegian health care. A qualitative study using key informants
(Peer reviewed; Journal article; Journal article, 2011)Background: Little is known about how migrants adapt to fi rst-world public health systems. In Norway, patients are assigned a registered general practitioner (RGP) to provide basic care and serve as gatekeeper for other ... -
Fokus på arbeidsdeltakelse i et intervensjonsprogram etter hjerneslag
(Ergoterapeuten;54 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Purpose: The aim of this study was to obtain new knowledge about whether and how work participation was a focus during a Norwegian intervention programme that was based on the US programme Lifestyle Redesign. The programme ... -
Participation in Physical Activity among Inpatients with Severe Mental Illness : a Pilot Study
(International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation;18 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-02)Aims: Severe mental illness is associated with low levels of physical activity. This study explored participation in a physical activity programme among patients with severe mental illness and its relationships to other ... -
Personal factors associated with health-related quality of life in persons with morbid obesity on treatment waiting lists in Norway
(Quality of Life Research;20 (8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-02-19)Purpose To explore relationships of socio-demographic variables, health behaviours, environmental characteristics and personal factors, with physical and mental health variables in persons with morbid obesity, and to ... -
Electroconvulsive treatment of a patient with Parkinson's disease and moderate depression
(Mental Illness;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-05-19)Depression is a usual comorbidity in patients with Parkinson’s disease. It has been known for more than 50 years that electroconvulsive treatment (ECT) has a positive effect on the muscular symptoms of Parkinson’s ... -
Experiences of occupational therapists and occupational therapy students in using the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills in mental health settings in Norway
(British Journal of Occupational Therapy;74 (7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-07)Introduction: This study investigated the utility of the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills (ACIS) in mental health settings, as experienced by Norwegian occupational therapists and occupational therapy ... -
Cardiovascular disease by diabetes status in five ethnic minority groups compared to ethnic Norwegians
(BMC Public Health;11, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-07-13)Background The population in Norway has become multi-ethnic due to migration from Asia and Africa over the recent decades. The aim of the present study was to explore differences in the self-reported prevalence of ... -
Diabetes susceptibility in ethnic minority groups from Turkey, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Pakistan compared with Norwegians - the association with adiposity is strongest for ethnic minority women
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background The difference in diabetes susceptibility by ethnic background is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to assess the association between adiposity and diabetes in four ethnic minority groups compared ...