Blar i HV - Master i Samfunnsernæring på emneord "Amming"
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Breastfeeding as a human right based approach to adequate food
(MAEH;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Background: The nutritional status is crucial for the mental and physical development of the infant. Breastfeeding has positive short- and long term health outcomes that are beneficial for both the maternal and infant ... -
Breastfeeding practices among infants in Bhaktapur, Nepal
(MAEH;2013, Master thesis, 2013)Introduction: Adequate nutrition status during the first two years of life is important for health throughout life. Breastfeeding is the optimal way of providing infants with the nutrients they need for normal physical and ... -
Experiences from the establishment of the first human milk bank in Viet Nam
(MAEH;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Background: Mothers` milk is essential to cover nutritional needs for growing infants, especially for those who are premature or sick because they are at a greater risk of death than full term infants. Studies have shown ... -
Iodine status and thyroid function among lactating women in Saharawi refugee camps, Algeria
(Master thesis, 2011)BACKGROUND: Insufficient iodine intake as well as excess iodine intake may cause thyroid diseases. Endemic goitre and high urinary iodine concentration (UIC), probably caused by excess iodine, has been reported among ... -
Iodine status in lactating women in Norway
(MAEH;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Background: Iodine is an essential element for foetal and infant growth and for development of the central nervous system. Lactating women and infants are exceptionally vulnerable to iodine deficiency and lack of thyroid ... -
Protection and promotion of breastfeeding and marketing of products under the scope of the international code of marketing of breastmilk substitutes in Southeast Asia
(MAEH;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Background and aim: Breastfeeding is crucial for child survival and development, and exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of the infant’s life, with continued breastfeeding until two years of ... -
Spedbarn og kosthold. Irakiske innvandrermødres holdninger og praksis
(MAEH;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Tema i masteroppgaven er irakiske innvandrermødres holdninger og praksis i forbindelse med spedbarnskosthold, samt hvordan de forholder seg til råd fra familie og helsestasjon. Oppgaven inngår som en delstudie av et større ... -
Utvikling av kultur- og språksensitivt tekstinnhold til den fremtidige appen Samtale om mat på helsestasjon-2: En kvalitativt utforskende studie basert på Suitability Assessment of Materials
(MAEH;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn: Å øke amming i Norge er en politisk prioritet og krever målrettede tiltak mot sårbare grupper for å bidra til utjevningen av sosial ulikhet i helse. I InnBaKost-studien fant man lav forekomst av både amming og ...