Blar i HV - Master i Samfunnsernæring på forfatter "Oshaug, Arne"
Challenges of realising the human right to adequate food of slum dwellers of Banda parish - Kampala city
Kikomeko, Kato Peterson (Master thesis, 2010)The general objectives of this study were to determine whether the diet of slum dwellers of Banda Parish outside Kampala city is adequate in reference to the normative content of the human right to adequate food (RtF), and ... -
The realization of the human right to adequate food among women and children living in a slum area of Kampala city Uganda
Kungu, Joseph (MAEH;2012, Master thesis, 2012)The objective of this study was to assess the realization of the right to adequate food focusing on women and children living in one of the slums in Kampala City Uganda. Respondents of this study were categorised into right ... -
Safeguarding the right to adequate food in disaster preparedness and emergency response: Policy, legislation and institutions in Uganda
Ribe, Lovise Omoijuanfo (MAEH;2013, Master thesis, 2013)The rising frequency of natural disasters has impacts for the nutrition situation in Uganda. As State Party to the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Government of Uganda is obliged to ...