• Sikkerhetskultur i organisasjoner 

      Badivuku, Krenar (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      This paper reviews the literature on safety culture and provides a research on two different organizations in the construction industry. The first article focusses on research undertaken from 1990 and onwards. The concept ...
    • Et atferdsøkonomisk perspektiv på rusmiddelavhengighet i lys av nevroøkonomi: Variabler som påvirker, og endrer individuell grad av temporal diskontering. Implikasjoner for behandling - En oversikt 

      Herikstad, Yngve (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      Rusmiddelmisbruk og avhengighet relateres til impulsive valg og tap av kontroll, og til utviklingen av atferdsmønstre preget av overdrevent forbruk, hvor avhengighetsatferd overstyrer andre valgalternativer. De langsiktige ...
    • Behavioral studies of memory: conditional discrimination techniques 

      Strandbakken, Lars (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      A presentation of various conceptual problems and challenges in the field of memory research is presented in Article 1. After giving examples of approaches to the phenomenon by the disciplines of behavior analysis and ...
    • Motivasjon, målrettethet, prestasjon og engasjement i jobbsammenheng. Gjennomgang av teori på området og analyse av The High Performance Cycle i barnevernsinstitusjoner, Bufetat region Nord 

      Kylling, Rita (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      The goal of this master thesis is twofold. The first article is meant to give a review of goal setting theory and the High Performance Cycle (HPC), highlighting the connections between the five theories of motivation that ...
    • En atferdsfortolkning av team-effektivitet: med fagartikkel: Problemløsende strategi for team-atferd 

      Eriksen-Deinoff, Tina E. Svedenborg (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      The concept of team defines a group of people by design or by selection of behaviour in a collaborating working process. Overall, teams are supposed to perform with better outcome than individuals do. Scholars have voiced ...
    • Om verbal atferd og stimulusekvivalens 

      Augland, Hanne (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      Ever since B. F. Skinner published Verbal Behavior, his radical behavior analytic approach to language development has been considered controversial. Hence, Article 1 accounts for verbal behavior as either an operant or a ...
    • The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) as an animal model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; stimulus control, sensory reinforcement and discrimination. Artikkel 1 

      Skillebekk, Martin (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder found all over the world with a prevalence of around 5% in children and 2.5% in adults. An estimated heritability of 76% has been suggested, ...
    • Opplæring for elever med matematikkvansker 

      Tryggestad, Hege (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      Det er en god del forskning rundt årsaker til matematikkvansker. Det er mindre forskning på hva som kan være effektive opplæringsmetoder for elever med denne typen vansker og man har ikke klart å enes om hvordan matematikkvansker ...
    • Etablering av grammatikk 

      Hansen, Marcus Drange (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)
      Behavior analysis has been criticized for not being able to explain how grammar is acquired. Is it possible to establish grammar through operant selection like many in behavior analysis claim - or is it a kind of device ...
    • On the role of transfer of function in the understanding of preferences 

      Eilertsen, Jon Magnus (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      The current paper uses research from the area of stimulus equivalence and the transfer and transfer of function as an approach to understand complex human behavior in the world outside of the laboratory. Future research ...
    • Ledelse i et kompleksitetsperspektiv 

      Hexeberg, Camilla (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Ledelse som fenomen har eksistert siden mennesker begynte å organisere seg for å oppnå et felles gode. Etter den omfattende IKT revolusjonen som har funnet sted, har nye måter å arbeide på oppstått. Samfunnet er i utvikling ...
    • Effekt av systematisk foreldreveiledning i et seleksjonsperspektiv 

      Stensland-Rørby, Nina Kristin (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Systematic parent training programs targeting pivotal parenting skills are on demand in public health services in Norway. Article 1; Systematic parent training - is it efficient and why? examines some of the basic common ...
    • Prestasjonsutvikling fra et atferdsanalytisk perspektiv 

      Bjørklund, Frida (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      When it comes to behavior analysis and other scientific approaches, minor research has been done concerning meetings in organizations. There has also been done minor research in what kind of assumptions that should be ...
    • E-læring og sosiale medier 

      Gulliksen, Marit (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Hensikten med artiklene er å rette søkelyset på e-læring og hvilke muligheter som ligger i disse læringsplattformene. E-læring har blitt fremtidens verktøy ved kompetanseheving av ansatte både i privat og offentlig sektor. ...
    • Risikostyring i offentlige helsetjenester 

      Johansen, Anders (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Risk management in public health services is the subject area for these articles. The first article; Risk Management in Health care Organizations – a Literature Review, reviews recent studies concerned with the subject ...
    • Functional behavioral assessment 

      Brath, Knut-Aleksander Sæther (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Functional behavioral assessments (FBA) provide a structured and reliable measure of environmental contingencies maintaining problem behavior. It has been used to assess problem behaviors in animals, children, and individuals ...
    • Variability 

      Krippendorf, Martin Rasmi (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      After experiments with shaping new behavior in a publicly displayed porpoise, Karen Pryor and colleagues suggested that creativity and variability could be reinforced directly. Other researchers have followed up this claim ...
    • Approaches to understanding of remembering 

      Åstad, Tonje Gellein (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Article 1 gives an account of how cognitive psychology and behavior analysis understand and explain memory or remembering. Within behavior analysis, the most common procedure for studying remembering is matching-to-sample ...
    • Stimulus equivalence: Conceptual and methodological issues 

      Granmo, Sjur (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Article 1: The research field of concepts is—in the present article—divided in two accounts: the cognitive psychology approach and the behavior analysis approach. The article starts off by illuminating the philosophical ...
    • Categorization in Children with Autism 

      Rustebakke, Elisabeth Ulvestad (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)
      Developing methods to teach functional language and more fluent speech in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a growing area of research. There are some findings that suggest that the ability to categorize may ...