BIM understanding and activities
Original version
Hjelseth E: BIM understanding and activities. In: Galiano-Garrigos A, Mahdjoubi L, Brebbia CA. Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations II, 2017. Wessex Institute p. 3-14Abstract
The AECOO (architects, engineers, contractors, operators, owners) industry is moving toward increased digitalization. This unstoppable process requires a clear understanding of the important elements required to reach the defined objectives. The change of process – how we work and interact – is often highlighted as one of the most important objectives for the AECOO industry. BIM, which can stand for building information model, modelling, or management, is one of the enablers and most highlighted initiatives in digitalisation, but there is no joint understanding of BIM. However, our understating of BIM, and especially the M, will directly influence our actions related to implementing BIM with objectives that can be documented. This study is based on a literature review of scientific papers, the buildingSMART Norway newsletter, an overview of BIM-related ISO standards and BIM guidance, and experiences with the digital implementation of BIM guidance. Integrated design and delivery solutions (IDDS) focus on the integration of collaboration between people, integrated processes, and interoperable technology. It has, therefore, been used as a framework for exploring the dominating understanding of BIM. The findings from this study indicate that BIM primary is understood as the use of software programs. Activities for implementation are related to solving the technical aspect of the development of software as well as the exchange of files. Software skills and the use of software are used as indicators of the degree of BIM implementation. Activities related to the development of skills for information management were hard to identify, except in large projects. The understanding of BIM revealed in this study stands in contradiction to numerous statements claiming BIM as a process for changing the AECOO industry. An increased awareness of our real understanding and how this influences our activities can contribute to more targeted activities for implementing BIM to realize objectives for improving the AECOO industry.