• Are immigrant youth involved in voluntary organizations more likely than their non-immigrant peers to be engaged in politics? Survey evidence from Norway 

      Ødegård, Guro; Fladmoe, Audun (Acta Sociologic;Volume: 63 issue: 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-06)
      The aim of this paper is to examine the link between associational involvement and political participation among youth in Norway and how this link varies between boys and girls of an immigrant or non-immigrant background. ...
    • A nordic research agenda on rape and sexual violence 

      Skilbrei, May-Len; Stefansen, Kari; Heinskou, Marie Bruvik (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    • Rekkefølgeeffekter i spørreundersøkelser blant ungdom. Resultater fra et split-ballot-eksperiment 

      Bakken, Anders; Andersen, Patrick Lie; Frøyland, Lars Roar; Abebe, Dawit Shawel (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 3, nr. 1-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-01)
      Et viktig spørsmål i metodelitteraturen er om svaralternativenes rekkefølge har betydning for hva respondentene svarer i spørreskjemaundersøkelser. Imidlertid pekes det på at svarrekkefølgeeffekter ikke er godt nok forstått, ...
    • "Rotløs ungdom" - Ungdom, flytting og livssjanser 

      Sandlie, Hans Christian; Andersen, Patrick Lie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Stabile boforhold er en viktig forutsetning for trygge og gode oppvekstvilkår. Boligen og bostedet er slik sett en ramme om våre liv som gir struktur og mening, og flytting kan innebære et brudd med denne rammen. Internasjonalt ...
    • Sickness absence in pregnancy: associations with sedentary behavior: A population-based cohort study from Norway 

      Brekke, Idunn; Richardsen, Kåre Rønn; Jenum, Anne Karen (BMC Public Health;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background Sickness absence in pregnancy accounts for a large part of sickness-related absenteeism among women. Exercise in pregnancy is associated with a lower level of sickness absence, however little is known about how ...
    • Social class differences in youths’ participation in organized sports: What are the mechanisms? 

      Andersen, Patrick Lie; Bakken, Anders (International Review for the Sociology of Sport;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-02)
      Despite several decades of Sport for All policies, social class differences in organized sports participation of youth persist. However, few population-based studies have examined how social class may influence adolescent ...
    • Social class differences in youths’ participation in organized sports: What are the mechanisms? 

      Andersen, Patrick Lie; Bakken, Anders (International Review for the Sociology of Sport;2018(April 2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Despite several decades of Sport for All policies, social class differences in organized sports participation of youth persist. However, few population-based studies have examined how social class may influence adolescent ...
    • Stedlige perspektiver på skoleliv og yrkesfag 

      Reegård, Kaja; Rogstad, Jon Christian; Hegna, Kristinn (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education; Vol 3 No 3 (2019): Special Issue/temanummer: Stedlige perspektiver på skoleliv og yrkesfag, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Spatial perspectives on school life and vocational education and training The articles featured in this special issue aim to investigate the importance of places and social space for the understanding of young people's ...
    • Ungdoms voldsutsatthet og foreldres landbakgrunn 

      Andersen, Patrick Lie; Smette, Ingrid; Bredal, Anja (Vold i nære relasjoner i et mangfoldig Norge;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-10)
      Earlier studies from the Nordic countries have shown that youth from immigrant backgrounds are more likely to be exposed to parental violence compared with non-immigrant youth. However, few studies have investigated ...