Kultur som mangfold og enfold i barnehagen
Original version
Kasin, O. (2010). Kultur som mangfold og enfold i barnehagen. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 3, (2), 63–75Abstract
In this article I focus on cultural diversity as it is presented in the Norwegian Framework Plan for the
Content and Tasks of Kindergartens. In Norway ’Kindergarten’ refers to any kind of Early Childhood Education and
Care institution. I argue that the understanding and interpretation of culture is too narrow in this plan. It presents
culture mainly as a value and as something that should be made visible and carried out in practical work in the
kindergartens. I argue that this understanding of culture and cultural diversity can lead to stereotype understanding
of children – children as representatives for cultural diversity. Children should only be understood as representatives
of themselves and not as some kind of cultural ”marionettes”. As an alternative to this way of understanding
culture, I present the term as way of analyzing social life, as a way of thinking, and also as different
kinds of practice, something that characterizes activities between people, not primarily as qualities within people.