Browsing SPS - Documents by Author "Torsvik, Gaute"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Discrimination against ethnic minorities in activation programme? Evidence from a vignette experiment.
Terum, Lars Inge; Torsvik, Gaute; Øverbye, Einar (Journal of Social Policy;Volume 47, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01)We conducted a vignette experiment involving 470 Norwegian front-line workers to investigate whether their decisions to sanction non-compliance of activation requirements varied with the ethnicity of the welfare claimant. ... -
In Their Own Best Interest. Is There a Paternalistic Case for Welfare Conditionality?
Molander, Anders; Torsvik, Gaute (Journal of Social Policy;Volume 51, Issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-05)This paper examines paternalism as a justification for welfare reforms making benefits conditional on participation in activation programs. We clarify different types of what we denote ‘throffer paternalism’ – a paternalism ... -
Når vilkår og aktivitetskrav brytes. Frontlinjearbeideres tilnærming til sanksjoner
Terum, Lars Inge; Torsvik, Gaute; Øverbye, Einar (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 34, nr. 3-2017, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Frontlinjearbeiderne i NAV skal avklare behov og rettigheter, men også stille krav, aktivere og sanksjonere. Artikkelen studerer hvordan frontlinjearbeidere tilnærmer seg situasjoner der stønadsmottakere ikke imøtekommer ... -
The will to sanction: How sensitive are caseworkers to recipients’ responsibility when imposing sanctions on non-compliance in a welfare-to-work programme?
Torsvik, Gaute; Molander, Anders; Terum, Lars Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The activation trend in social policy entails that caseworkers on the frontlines of the welfare state are expected to decide ‘reasonable’ activation requirements for clients and when and how non-compliance should be ...