Browsing SPS - Documents by Author "Mangset, Marte"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Becoming and unbecoming academics: Classed resources and strategies for navigating risky careers
Mangset, Marte; Orupabo, Julia (British Journal of Sociology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Academics influence not only knowledge production but also selection to the labour market and policy development. They have power. Despite the sociological attention paid to class in higher education, few studies have ... -
Bureaucratic power in note-writing: authoritative expertise within the state
Mangset, Marte; Asdal, Kristin (British Journal of Sociology;Volume 70 Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-01)What produces the power of senior civil servants at ministries of finance, positioned at the top of the bureaucratic hierarchy? Max Weber has claimed that a hierarchical organization, meritocratic recruitment and procedural ... -
Finansieringssystemer og faglige «stammekriger»: en trussel mot ytringsfrihet i akademia?
Mangset, Marte; Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen; Wollebæk, Dag (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Den akademiske friheten skal sikre forskere frihet til å ytre sine faglige synspunkter, men både faglig perspektivmangfold og forskeres ytringsrom kan møte mange barrierer. Hvordan forskningen er organisert og finansiert, ... -
Parental leave vs. competition for clients: Motherhood penalty in competitive work environments
Halrynjo, Sigtona; Mangset, Marte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Abstract Objective: This paper explores the role of parental leave for gendered career patterns in individualized, competitive labor markets in Norway, a culturally and politically family-friendly and gender-equal society. ... -
The Populist Elite Paradox: Using Elite Theory to Elucidate the Shapes and Stakes of Populist Elite Critiques
Mangset, Marte; Engelstad, Fredrik; Teigen, Mari; Gulbrandsen, Trygve Jens (Comparative Social Research;Volume 34, Chapter; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-07)Critiques of elites define populism, which conceives of power relations as a unified, conspiring elite exploiting the good people. Yet, populism itself is inherently elitist, calling for a strong leader to take power and ... -
Promoting Diversity but Striving for Excellence: Opening the ‘Black Box’ of Academic Hiring
Orupabo, Julia Kristine B.; Mangset, Marte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-24)Scholars have described how neutral routines and ‘objective’ criteria in recruitment may result in an institutional preference for certain types of candidates. This article advances the literature on recruitment by conducting ... -
Tillit, sosial orden og kunnskap: sosiologiske perspektiver på tillitens natur og funksjon i senmoderne samfunn
Mangset, Marte (Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;Årgang 62, nr. 3-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-25)Vår tids samfunn er preget av høy kompleksitet, formaliserte kontrollsystemer og utstrakt bruk av abstrakt og spesialisert kunnskap. Hvilken rolle spiller tillit i denne typen samfunn? Og hva slags tillit er det snakk om? ...