Browsing SPS - Documents by Author "Leseth, Anne Birgitte"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Experiences of moving: A history of women and sport in Tanzania
Leseth, Anne Birgitte (Sport in Society;17(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-14)Although the literature on the history of sports in Africa is growing, the literature on women and sports sport in Africa remains limited. This article explores women and sport in Africa through a focus on women’s experiences ... -
Hvite person, hvor går du? : om forskerposisjon og norskhet
Leseth, Anne Birgitte (Sosiologi i dag;41 (3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Artikkelen argumenterer for at synliggjøring av egen forskerposisjon i en ikkenorsk kontekst kan si noe om hvithet og norskhet som en taus posisjon. Artikkelen baserer seg på materiale fra to antropologiske feltarbeid i ... -
Michezo : dance, sports and politics in Tanzania
Leseth, Anne Birgitte (Anthropological Notebooks;16 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This paper serves to demonstrate the manner in which body practices both reflect and, in turn, subtly shape the political contexts and purposes within which they occur. While governments may pay particular attention to ... -
Waiting as sociality–relational waithood in Norwegian activation
Gjersøe, Heidi Moen; Leseth, Anne Birgitte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)ABSTRACT In research on waiting and unemployment, waiting tends to be described as an asymmetrical power relation between those who wait and those who impose waiting within institutional contexts. This paper applies ...