Fritaksproblematikken som forsvant : norske grunnskolerektorer og skolens fritaksbestemmelser
Original version
Hovdelien, O. (2009). Fritaksproblematikken som forsvant. Norske grunnskolerektorer og skolens fritaksbestemmelser. Prismet, 60, (3), 225-235Abstract
How are the exemption provisions due to personal belief managed in Norwegian schools today? How
many parents and students claim exemptions from parts of the teaching? This article presents some
results from an empirical inquiry aiming to answer these research questions. The study is built on a
quantitative survey inquiry directed to all headmasters in the primary schools in the Norwegian
counties Vest-Agder and Oslo, combined with an qualitative interview inquiry. The inquiry was carried
out in the period of 2007-2008, i.e. while the compulsory RE subject was changed and a new
object clause was passed. The main finding is that there are almost a similar number of demands of
exemption in the two counties. Hence there seems to be no correlation between the level of multiculturality
and the number of demands of exemption. After some problems the first years due to the new
compulsory RE subject in the autumn of 1997, the number of demands for exemption has been low.