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dc.contributor.advisorVindegg, Jorunn
dc.contributor.authorJohansen, Roy
dc.descriptionMaster i familiebehandlingen_US
dc.description.abstractI denne oppgaven vil jeg undersøke hvilke opplevelser fosterforeldre i to Trygg base grupper (TBG) har av gruppeveiledningstilbudet som gis i Bufetats regi. Ettersom tilbudet kan anses som økt kvalifisering av fosterforeldreskap gjennom opplæringsmodellen Trygg base modellen (TBM), knyttes undersøkelsen til fosterforeldrenes opplevelse av kompetanseutvikling. Problemstillingen er rettet mot hvilken kunnskap fosterforeldrene opplever som nyttig i en TBG og hvilken betydning fosterforeldrene opplever at samspillet mellom deltakerne i Trygg basegruppene har for kompetanseutvikling. Oppgaven baserer seg på empiri som er innhentet gjennom to fokusgruppeintervju og analysen er inspirert av Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Fosterforeldrene opplevde at kunnskapsutvikling bør være er en forhandling mellom veiledere og dem om forståelse av praksis og begrepsbruk. De beskrev nyttig kunnskap som «å feite opp våre erfaringer». Evidensbasert kunnskap er nyttig for fosterforeldrene når den gjenkjennes i deres praksiserfaring. Deling av erfaring, gjennom episoder fra fosterhjemmene, tilførte fosterforeldrene nyttig praksiskunnskap. Fosterforeldre vektla de relasjonelle forholdene i en TBG som fundamentale for kompetanseutvikling. De opplevde at trygghet, anerkjennelse, deling av sårbarhet og mestring som viktige faktorer i fellesskapsopplevelsen i en TBG. Relasjonserfaringer ble oppfattet som å dele subjektive praksiserfaringer med hverandre. Dette skapte gjenkjenning og en fellesskapsopplevelse. Deling av sårbarhet og mestring gjorde at fosterforeldrene opplevde seg som mindre ensomme, og skapte en lettelse over å bli forstått og «sett» eller anerkjent.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation looks into the different experiences foster parents in the two “Secure base groups” (TBG) have in terms of the services in group counselling offered by the “Bufetat” or state services. The services can be viewed as a way of enhancing their knowledge base as foster parents through the training model “Secure base model” (TBM). This paper is trying to link the model to the foster parents experience and their knowledge enhancement. The main question for this dissertation is directed towards “What knowledge are the foster parents gaining from these group sessions (TBG) and how the experiences from the interaction between the participants in “Secure base groups” have on their knowledge development? The findings in this dissertation are based on empirical data that has been collected through focus group interviews. The data has been analysed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The foster parents described that their experience and their knowledge development should be a negotiation between the professional advisors and themselves to discuss the understanding of the practical – and academic terms. The foster parents described their experience of useful knowledge «to expand their practical experiences». Evidence based knowledge is useful for the foster parents when it is recognised in a practical term and experience. To share their practical experiences, through episodes from the foster homes, provide the foster parents with further useful practical knowledge. The foster parents emphasised the relational conditions in the “TBG” as fundamental for the development of their knowledge. They experienced that safety, recognition, to share vulnerability and how they overcame this as the most important factors in the community experience in the “TBG”. The development of the experiences through relationships was viewed as wanting to share their subjective practical experiences with each other. They could then relate to each other, which created stronger united experiences. To share their vulnerable experiences and how they overcame this made the foster parents less lonely and it created a feeling of relief that others could understand them and understand what they were going through.en_US
dc.publisherHøgskolen i Oslo og Akershusen_US
dc.subjectTrygg base modellenen_US
dc.subjectVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Sosialt arbeid: 360en_US
dc.titleFosterforeldre og kunnskap - Hvordan opplever fosterforeldre kompetanseutvikling i Trygg base grupper?en_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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